Rules for Transport of Animals
There are certain rules for transport of animals by the governments for proper care and humane way to make their journey comfortable.
- Rule 1: Short title
- These rules may be called the Transport of Animals Rules; 1978.
- Rule 2: Definitions
- In these rules unless the context otherwise requires.
- Qualified veterinary surgeon means one who holds a diploma or a degree of a recognised veterinary college;
- “Schedule” means a schedule appended to these rules.
Transport of Dogs and Cats
- Rule 3:
- Rules 4 to 14 shall apply to the transport of dogs and cats of all breeds whether by rail, road, inland waterway, sea or air.
- Rule 4:
- A valid health certificate by a qualified veterinary surgeon to the effect that the dogs and cats are in a fit condition to travel by a rail, road, inland waterway, sea or air and are not showing any sign of infectious or contagious disease including rabies, shall accompany each consignment and the certificate shall be in the form specified in Schedule-A.
- In the absence of such a certificate, the carrier shall refuse to accept the consignment for transport.
- Rule 5:
- No dog or cat in an advanced stage of pregnancy shall be transported.
- Rule 6:
- Dogs or cats to be transported in the same container shall be of the same species and breed. Unweaned puppies or kittens shall not be transported with adult dogs or cats other than their darns. No female dog or cat in season (oestrus) shall be transported with any male.
- Rule 7:
- Any dog or cat reported to be vicious or exhibiting a vicious disposition shall be transported individually in a cage, muzzeled and labelled to give warning to the handlers. In extreme cases, the dogs or cats shall be administered with sedative drugs by a qualified veterinary surgeon.
- Rule 8:
- When dogs or cats are to be transported for long distances:
- They shall be fed and given water at least two hours prior to their transport and shall not be packed for transport if they are hungry or thirsty.
- They should be exercised as late as possible before despatch;
- They shall be given adequate water for drinking every four hours in summer or every six hours during winter;
- They shall be fed once in twelve hours in the case of adult dogs or cats and they shall be fed once in four hours in the case of puppies and kittens in accordance with the instructions of the consignors if any;
- Adequate arrangements shall be made for their care and management during the journey.
- Rule 9:
- Where dogs or cats are to be transported for short distance byroad in a public vehicle, the following precautions are to be taken namely:
- they shall be put in a cage and the cage containing the dogs or cats shall not be put on the roof of the vehicle but shall be put inside the vehicle preferably near the end of the vehicle;
- the vehicle transporting the dogs or cats shall as far as possible maintain constant speed, avoiding sudden stops and reducing effects of shocks and jolts to the minimum;
- at least one attendant shall be present at all times during transit who shall ensure that proper transit conditions are observed and shall also replenish food and water whenever necessary.
- Rule 10:
- Where dogs or cats are to be transported by air:
- The cages shall be properly cleaned and disinfected before the dogs or cats are put in the cages.
- Sufficient pady straw or saw dust or paper cuttings shall be provided for cats in the cages as resting material.
- For international transport, the dogs or cats shall be kept in a pressurized compartment with regulated temperature.
- Rule 11:
- The size and type of crates for transport of dogs and cats shall confirm as clearly as may be to the size and type specified in Schedule-B and Schedule-C respectively.
- Rule 12:
- All containers of dogs or cats shall be clearly labelled showing the names, address and telephone number (if any) of the consignor.
- Rule 13:
- The consignee shall be informed about the train or transport arrival or flight number and its time or arrival in advance.
- Rule 14:
- Consignment of dogs or cats to be transported by rail or road shall be booked by the next passenger or main train or bus and should not be detained after accepting the consignment for booking.
Transport of Monkeys
- Rule 15:
- Rules 16 to 23 shall apply to the transport of all types of monkeys from the trapping area to the nearest rail-head.
- Rule 16:
- A valid health certificate by a qualified veterinary surgeon to the effect that the monkeys are in a fit condition to travel from the trapping area to the nearest unit-head and are not showing any sign of infections or contagious disease shall accompany each consignment.
- In the absence of such a certificate, the carrier shall refuse to accept the consignment for transport.
- The certificate shall be in a form specified in Schedule-D.
- Rule 17:
- Monkeys from one trapping area shall not be allowed to mix with monkeys from any other trapping area for preventing the dangers or cross-infection.
- The time in transit from trapping area to the nearest rail-head shall be as short as possible and factors causing stress to monkeys shall be reduced to the minimum.
- If the travel time is longer than six hours provision shall be made to feed and to give water to the monkeys en route.
- During transit, precautions shall be taken to protect the monkeys from extreme weather conditions and monkeys that die en route shall be removed at the earliest available opportunity.
- Rule 18:
- Monkeys that are not completely weaned, that is, under 1.8 kilogram in weight, shall not be transported except when specifically permitted by the Central Government.
- Rule 19:
- Pregnant and nursing monkeys shall not be transported except when specifically permitted by the Central Government.
- Pregnant and nursing monkeys as well as monkeys weighing more than 5 kilograms shall be transported in compartmented cages.
- Rule 20:
- All monkeys in the same cage shall be of the same species and of approximately the same weight and size.
- Rule 21:
- Monkeys captured within their natural habitat shall be placed in new, sterilized or thoroughly cleaned cages and subsequent transfer, if any, shall also be in new, disinfected or thoroughly cleaned cages.
- Rule 22:
- Monkeys shall be transported from trapping area to the nearest rail-head by the fastest means of transport available and the monkeys shall not be left un attended at any time during the journey.
- Rule 23:
- No nails, metallic projections or sharp edges shall be exposed on the exterior or in the interior of the cages.
- Each cage shall be equipped with appropriate water and feed recept3cles which are leak proof and capable of being cleaned and refilled during transit.
- The floor of the cages shall be made of bamboo reapers and the space between each reaper shall range between 20 mm and 30 mm.
- To facilitate carriage of these cages, provision may be made for rope loops at the four top ends.
- The weight of anyone loaded cage shall not exceed 45 kilograms.
- The following two sizes of cages shall be used
- 910 x 760 x 510 mm: to contain not more than twelve monkeys, weighing between 1.8 and 3.00 kilograms each or ten monkeys weighing between 3.1 and 5.0 kilograms each.
- 710 x 710 x 510 mm: to contain not more than ten monkeys weighing between 1.8 and 3.00 kilograms each or eight monkeys weighing between 3.1 and 5.00 kilograms each.
- Provided that wooden cages as specified in Schedule-F to these rules may also be used for carrying monkeys from the trapping area to the nearest rail-head.
- The construction details of two types of cages shall be as given in Schedule-E.
- Rule 24:
- Rules 25 to 32 shall apply to transport of monkeys from a rail-head to another rail-head or from a rail-head to nearest airport.
- Rule 25:
- Loading and unloading shall be carned out quickly and efficiently.
- Cages shall be stored in such a manner that ventilation is adequate and the monkeys are not exposed to draught and direct heat or cold.
- Monkeys found dead shall be removed as quickly as possible for suitable disposal.
- Rule 26:
- The transport cages shall be in accordance with specifications given in Rule 28.
- Rule 27:
- Due provision shall be made by the sender for a sufficient supply of food and water for the journey.
- In case the journey is over six hours an attendant shall accompany the monkeys to supply them food, water, and such other things, on route and he shall have access to, the monkeys for feeding, giving water and attention at all stations en route.
- The food and water containers shall be checked at least every six hours and refilled, if necessary.
- Monkeys shall not be disturbed during the night hours.
- Rule 28:
- Not more than one cage shall be placed over the other and gunny packing shall be placed between two cages, when one is placed over the other.
- Rule 29:
- Monkeys shall be brought to the airport sufficiently early.
- Rule 30:
- Monkeys shall be provided with food and water immediately before loading on the aircraft.
- Rule 31:
- The cages shall be clearly labelled showing the name, address and telephone number (if any) of the consignor and the consignee in bold red letters.
- The consignee shall be informed about the train in which the consignment of monkeys is being sent and its arrival time in advance.
- The consignment of monkeys to be transported shall be booked by the next passenger or main train and should not be detained after the consignment is accepted for booking.
- Rule 32:
- A valid health certificate by a qualified veterinary surgeon to the effect that the monkeys are in a fit condition to travel from the nearest rail-head to another rail-head or from a rail-head to the nearest airport and are not showing any signs of infectious or contagious disease shall accompany each consignment
- In the absence of such a certificate, the carrier shall refuse to accept the consignment for transport.
- The certificate shall be in a form specified in Schedule-D.
- Rule 33:
- Rules 34 to 45 shall apply in relation to the transport of monkeys by air.
- Rule 34:
- The time in transit shall be as short as possible and factors causing stress to monkeys shall be reduced to the minimum.
- Rule 35:
- Monkeys that are not completely weaned, that is, under 1.8 kilograms in weight, shall not be transported except when specifically permitted by the Central Government.
- Rule 36:
- Pregnant and nursing monkeys shall not be transported except when specifically permitted by the Central Government. Pregnant and nursing monkeys and monkeys weighing over 5 kilograms shall be transported in specially designed individual cages.
- Rule 37:
- All monkeys in the same shall be of the same species and of approximately the same weight and size.
- Rule 38:
- In view of the dangers of infection, only monkeys of the same species shall be transported in the same cabin or compartment of the aircraft.
- Apparently sick or disabled monkeys exhibiting external injuries or infested with parasites shall not be transported.
- Transport of other species of animals, birds, fish, food stuff or poisonous materials, such as pesticides and insecticides, in the same cabin or compartment shall not be permitted.
- Rule 39:
- At no time during transit shall the monkeys be left unattended when carried in a freighter aircraft.
- At least one attendant shall be present at all times when the aircraft is on the ground.
- Rule 40:
- Monkeys shall be transported in suitable wooden cages, so constructed as not to allow the escape of the monkeys and shall allow sufficient passage of air for ventilation; no nails, metallic projections or sharp edges shall be exposed in the interior or on the exterior of such cages. Each cage shall be equipped with water and food receptacles which shall be leak-proof and be capable of being cleaned and refilled during transit. A suitable absorbent material such as sawdust shall be kept in the dropping trays.
- The weight of anyone loaded cage shall not exceed 45 kilograms many case.
- The following two sizes of cages shall be used:
- 460 x 460 x 460 mm-to contain not more than ten monkeys weighing from 1. 8 to 3.0 kilograms each or four monkeys weighing from3.1 to5.0 kilograms each; and
- 760 x 530 x 460 mm-to contain not more than ten monkeys weighing from 1. 8 to 3.0 kilograms each or eight monkeys weighing from3.1 to5.0 kilograms each.
- The construction details of the two types of cages shall be as given in Schedule-F.
- The construction details of the two types of cages used for the transport of pregnant and nursing monkeys shall be as given in Schedule-G.
- Rule 41:
- The cages shall be clearly labelled showing the name, address and telephone number (if any) of the consignor and the consignee in bold red letters.
- The consignee shall be informed in advance about the flight number of the freighter aircraft in which the consignment of monkeys is being sent and its arrival time.
- The consignment of monkeys to be transported shall be booked by the next flight of the freighter aircraft and should not be detained after the consignment is accepted for booking.
- Rule 42:
- A valid health certificate by a qualified veterinary surgeon to the effect that the monkeys are fit to travel by air and are not showing any signs of infectious or contagious disease shall accompany each consignment of monkeys.
- In the absence of such a certificate, the carrier shall refuse to accept the consignment for shipment.
- The form of a certificate under sub-rule (1) be as given in Schedule-D.
- Rule 43:
- The air shall be changed not less than twelve times per hour and draughts shall be avoided and there shall be no dead pockets of air.
- Except when the monkeys are being fed and given water; they shall travel in semi, darkness to make them quieter and less inclined to fight and thus give them better opportunities of resting.
- Rule 44:
- The food and water containers shall be checked at every stop and refilled; if necessary, and a sufficient stock of food shall be available on the aircraft and at likely stopping places.
- Note: About 85 grams of food per monkey is required daily. Suitable foods are dry cereal grains or gram. It is recommended that whole gram made into biscuits or wheat meal bread should be fed. A minimum of 140 ml of water shall be allowed for each monkey per day.
- Rule 45:
- An empty cage of the usual dimensions with its sides covered except 50 mm at the top to allow for ventilation shall be provided in the freighter aircraft for housing the monkeys which fall sick or are injured during the journey.
Transport of Cattle
- Rule 46:
- Rules 47 to 56 shall apply to the transport by rail of cows, bulls, bullocks, buffaloes, yaks and calves (hereinafter in these rules referred to as cattle).
- Rule 47:
- A valid certificate by a qualified veterinary surgeon to the effect that the cattle are in a fit condition to travel by rail or road and are not suffering from any infectious or contagious or parasitic diseases and that they have been vaccinated against rinderpest and any other infectious or contagious or parasitic diseases shall accompany each consignment.
- In the absence of such a certificate, the carrier shall refuse to accept the consignment for transport.
- The certificate shall be in the form specified in Schedule-E.
- Rule 48:
- Veterinary first -aid equipment shall accompany all batches of cattle.
- Rule 49:
- Each consignment shall bear a label showing in bold red letters the name, address and telephone number (if any) of the consignor and consignee the number and types of cattle being transported and quantity of rations and food provided.
- The consignee shall be informed about the train or vehicle in which the consignment of cattle is being sent and its arrival time in advance.
- The consignment of cattle shall be booked by the next train or vehicle and shall not be detained after the consignment is accepted for booking.
- Rule 50:
- The average space provided per cattle in Railway wagon or vehicle shall not be less than two square metres.
- Rule 51:
- Suitable rope and platforms should be used for loading cattle from vehicles.
- In case of railway wagon the dropped door of the wagon may be used as a ramp when loading or unloading is done to the platform.
- Rule 52:
- Cattle shall be loaded after they are properly fed and given water.
- Rule 53:
- Cattle in advanced stage of pregnancy shall not be mixed with young cattle in order to avoid stampede during transportation.
- Rule 54:
- Watering arrangements on route shall be made and sufficient quantities of water shall be carried for emergency.
- Sufficient feed and fodder with adequate reserve shall be carried to last during the journey.
- Adequate ventilation shall be ensured.
- Rule 55:
- When cattle is to be transported by rail:
- An ordinary goods wagon shall carry not more than ten adult cattle or fifteen calves on broad gauge, not more than six adult cattle or ten calves on metre guage, or not more than four adult cattle or six calves on narrow gauge.
- Every wagon carrying cattle shall have at least one attendant.
- Cattle shall be loaded parallel to the rails, facing each other.
- Rations for padding, such as straw, shall be placed on the floor to avoid injury if a cattle lies down and this shall not be less than 6cms thick.
- Rations for the journey shall be carried in the middle of the wagon.
- To provide adequate ventilation, upper door of one side of the wagon shall be kept open properly fixed and the upper door of the wagon shall have wire gauge closely welded mesh arrangements to prevent burning cindars from the engines entering the wagon and leading to fire outbreak.
- Cattle wagons should be attached in the middle of the train.
- Cooking shall not be allowed in the wagons nor hurricane lamps without chimneys.
- Two breast bars shall be provided on each side of the wagon, one at height of 60 to 80 cm and the other at 100 at 110 cm.
- Cattle-in-milk shall be milked at least twice a day and the calves shall be given sufficient quantity of milk to drink.
- As far as possible, cattle may be moved during the nights only.
- During daytime, if possible, they should be unloaded, fed, given water and rested and if in milk, milking shall be carried out.
- Rule 56:
- When cattle are to be transported by goods vehicle the following precautions are to be taken namely:
- Specially fitted goods vehicles with a special type of tail board and padding around the sides should be used;
- Ordinary goods vehicles shall be provided with anti-slipping material, such as coir matting or
- wooden board on the floor and the superstructure, if low, should be raised;
- No goods vehicle shall carry more than six cattle;
- Each goods vehicle shall be provided with one attendant.
- While transporting the cattle, the goods vehicle shall not be loaded with any other merchandise; and
- To prevent cattle being frightened or injured, they should preferably face the engine.
Transport of Equines
- Rule 57:
- Rules 57 to 63 shall apply to the transport by rail, road, and sea of horses, mules and donkeys (hereinafter in these rules referred to as ‘equines’).
- Rule 58:
- A valid certificate by a qualified veterinary surgeon to the effect that the equines are in a fit condition to travel by rail; road or sea and are not suffering from any infectious or contagious disease or diseases shall accompany each consignment.
- In the absence of such a certificate, the carrier shall refuse to accept the consignment for transport.
- The certificates shall be in a form specified in Schedule-I.
- Rule 59:
- Each consignment shall bear a label showing in bold red letters the name, address and telephone number (if any) of the consignor and consignee the number and type of equines being transported and quantity of rations and food provided.
- The consignee shall be informed in advance about the train or vehicle or ship in which the consignment of equines is being sent and its arrival time.
- The consignment of equines to be transported shall be booked by the next train or vehicle or ship and shall not be detained after the consignment is accepted for booking.
- Rule 60:
- Pregnant and young equines shall not be mixed with other animals.
- Different species of equines shall be kept separately.
- Equines shall be loaded after being fed and given water adequately, watering arrangements shall be made en route and sufficient food carried to last during the journey.
- Veterinary first-aid equipment shall accompany all batches of equines.
- Adequate ventilation shall be ensured.
- Suitable ramps and platforms, improvised where not available, shall be used for loading and unloading equines.
- Rule 61:
- For the transport of equines by rail, the following precautions shall be taken:
- Equines shall be transported by passenger or mixed trains only;
- Ordinary goods wagon when used for transportation shall carry
- Not more than eight to ten horses or ten mules or ten donkeys on broad gauge and not more than six horses or eight donkeys on metre-gauge;
- In extreme hot water weather, shall be sprinkled over the wagons containing equines by the railway authorities to bring down temperature. Ice slabs in specially made containers may be placed inside the wagon, if recommended by a qualified veterinary surgeon;
- Every wagon shall have two attendants if the equines are more than two in number;
- Equines shall be loaded parallel to the rails, facing each other;
- Material for padding, such as paddy straw, shall be placed on the floor to avoid injury if an animal lies down and this shall not be less than 6 cm thick;
- To provide adequate ventilation, upper door of the side of the wagon shall be kept open and properly fixed and the upper door of the wagon shall have wire gauge closely welded mesh arrangements to prevent burning ciders from the engines entering the wagon and leading to fire breakout;
- Two breast bars shall be provided on each side of the wagon, one at a height of 50 to 80 cm and the other at 110 cm.
- Rule 62:
- For the transport of equines by goods vehicles, the following precautions shall be taken, namely:
- Specially fitted vehicles with a special type of tail-board and padding around the sides shall be used;
- Ordinary goods vehicles shall be provided with anti-slipping material on the floor and the super structure, if low, should be raised;
- Bamboo poles of at least 8 cm diameter between each animal and two stout batons at the back shall be provided to prevent the animal from falling;
- To prevent horses from being frightened or injured their heads.
- Should face left away from the passing traffic;
- Each vehicle shall not carry more than four to six equines; (f) each vehicle shall be provided with one attendant;
- The vehicle shall be driven at a speed not more than 35 kilometres per hour.
- Rule 63:
- For the transport of equines by sea the following precautions shall be taken, namely:
- Horses may normally be accommodated in single stalls and mules in pens, each pen holding four to five mules;
- Ample ventilation shall be ensured by keeping portholes and providing permanent air trunks or electric blowers on all decks, and exhaust fans shall be installed to blowout foul air;
- All standings shall be athwart the ship with heads facing inwards;
- To avoid distress specially during hot weather, the ship may go under way immediately after embarking and disembarking shall be done as early as possible after anchoring;
- Colts and fillies shall be kept on the exposed decks;
- A pharmacy and spare stalls for five per cent of equines shall be available;
- Passage between two rows of pens shall not be less than 1.5 metres.
Transport of Sheep and Goats
- Rule 64:
- Rules 65 to 75 shall apply to the transport of sheep and goats by rail or road involving journeys of more than six hours.
- Rule 65:
- A valid health certificate by qualified veterinary surgeon to the effect that the sheep and goats are in a fit condition to travel by rail or road and are not suffering from infectious or contagious or parasitic disease shall accompany each consignment.
- In the absence of such a certificate, the carrier shall refuse to accept the consignment for transport.
- The certificate shall be in a form specified in Schedule-J.
- Rule 66:
- Each consignment shall bear a label showing in bold red letters the name, address and telephone number (if any) of the consignor and consignee the number and type of sheep or goats being transported and quantity of rations and food provided.
- The consignee shall be informed in advance about the train or vehicle in which the consignment of sheep or goats are being sent and its arrival time
- The consignment of sheep or goats shall be booked by the next train or vehicle and shall not be detained after the consignment is accepted for booking.
- Rule 67:
- First-aid equipment shall accompany the sheep or goats in transit.
- Suitable ramps shall be provided for loading and unloading the sheep or goats.
- In the case of a railway wagon, when the loading or unloading is done on the platform, the dropped door of the wagon shall be used as a ramp.
- Rule 68:
- Sheep and goats shall be transported separately; but if the lots are small special partition shall be provided to separate them.
- Rule 69:
- Rams and male young stock shall not be mixed with female stock in the same compartment.
- Rule 70:
- Sufficient food and fodder shall be carried to last during the journey and watering facility shall be provided at regular intervals.
- Rule 71:
- Material for padding, such as straw, shall be placed on the floor to avoid injury if an animal lies down, and this shall be not less than 5 cm. thick.
- Rule 72:
- The animals shall not be fettered unless there is a risk of their jumping out and their legs shall not be tied down.
- Rule 73:
- The space required for a goat shall be the same as that for a wooled sheep and the approximate space required for a sheep in a goods vehicle or a railway wagon shall be as under:

- Rule 74:
- No railway wagon shall accommodate more than the following number of the sheep or goats.
- Adequate ventilation shall be provided in every wagon. Upper door of one side of wagon shall be kept open and properly fixed and closely welded mesh to prevent burning cinders form the engine.
- Rule 75:
- Goods vehicle of capacity of 5 or 4.5 tons shall carry not more than forty sheep or goats.
- Partitions at every 2 or 3 mts across width in large wagons.
- Separate panels for young ones.

Size and Type of Crate for Transport of Dogs:
The design of the cage mentioned in rule 11 in Chapter II of the Transport of Animals Rules, 1978 shall be as per the design as printed on page 7 of IS: 4746-1968 published by the Indian Standards Insitution.
All dimensions in centimeters – By Rail/Road/Inland Water ways/Sea, By Air:
Length | A×1.5 | A+C+10 |
Width | A | D+2+10 |
Height | B+15 | B+0 |
- Length: tip of nose to root of tail (A).
- Width: width across the shoulders (D).
- Height: Tip of ears to toe while standing (B).
- Elbow size: Toe to tip of elbow (C).
Cages, Cartons or crates, used to transport dogs, shall be of such material which will not tear or crumble. They shall be well constructed well ventilated and designed to protect the health of dogs by giving them adequate space and safety.
It is essential that wire mesh should be nose and paw proof; suitable material is that welded wire mesh of not less than 3 mm with a spacing 12 x 12 mm. Expanded metal and wire netting are unsuitable for this purpose. There would be no protruding nails or unprotected edges of wire. Dogs Kennels in rail coaches shall be so placed as to give protection to dogs from extremes of temperature and disturbance from birds and by giving them adequate space for health and safety.
Transport of Animals (Amendment) Rules, 2001 Notification
S. O. 269 (E) whereas certain draft rules further to amend the Transport of Animals Rules, 1978 were published as required by sub-section (1) of Section 38 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 (59 of 1960) under the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Social Justice &Empowerment number S.O. 1164 (E) dated 26th December 2000 in the Gazette of India. Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, sub Section (ii) dated the 27th December, 2000 inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby, before the expiry of the period of sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing the said notification are made available to the public.
And, whereas copies of the said Gazette were made available to the public on the 1st January 2001.
And, whereas no objection or suggestion has been received from the public in respect of the said draft rules by the Central Government.
Now, therefore in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (i) and (ii) of Section 38 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960 (59 of 1960), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Transport of Animals Rules 1978.
Transport of poultry by Rail, Road and Air
- Rule 76:
- Definition: In this Chapter unless the context otherwise requires, “Poultry” includes day old chicks and turkey poults, chickens, quails, guinea fowls, ducks, geese and turkeys.
- Rule 77:
- General requirement in transport of poultry by rail, road or air:
- These rules may be called the Transport of Animals (Amendment) Rules, 2001.
- They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette .
- In the Transport of Animal Rules 1978 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), after chapter VI,. the following chapters shall be inserted, namely the container shall be properly cleaned and sterilised before the poultry is placed in them.
- poultry shall not be exposed to the sunlight, rain and direct blast of air during transport.
- poultry shall not be transported when the temperature exceeds 25 degree Celsius or when the temperature falls below 15 degree Celsius.
- Rule 78:
- Day-old chicks and turkey poults:
- In transport of day old chicks and poultry by rail, road and air.
- chicks and poults shall be packed and dispatched immediately after hatching and shall not be stored in boxes for any length of time, before dispatch.
- Note: In the said transport endeavor shall be made by the consignor or his agent so that consignments shall arrive at destination within the shortest possible time after being taken out of the incubator. Seventy two hours shall normally be regarded as the maximum period to be taken from incubator to brooder in winter and 48 hours in summer.
- chicks or poults shall not be fed or watered before and during transportation.
- every effort shall be made to ensure that chicks and poults arrive as quickly as possible at the dispatching site.
- personal attention shall be given by the consignor or the forwarding agent to ensure that all consignments are kept out of direct sunlight, rain and heat;
- care shall be taken to carry the boxes in a level position so that l hicks are not in danger of falling over on to their backs. The putting up of other merchandise over and around chick boxes shall be avoided.
- Rule 79:
- Poultry other than day-old chicks and turkey poults:
- In transport of poultry other than day old chicks and turkey poult by rail, road or air.
- the poultry to be transported shall be healthy and in good condition and shall be examined and certified by a veterinary doctor for freedom from infectious diseases and fitness to undertake the journey.
- poultry transported in the same container shall be of the same species and of the same age group.
- poultry shall be properly fed and watered before it is placed in containers for transportation and extra food and water shall be provided in suitable troughs fixed in the containers.
- arrangements shall be made for watering and feeding during transportation and during hot weather; watering shall be ensured every six hours;
- male stock shall not be transported with female stock in the same container.
- Rule 80: Road Travel
- In transport of poultry by road the container shall not be placed one on the top of the other and shall be covered properly in order to provide light, ventilation and to protect from rain, heat and cold air.
- Rule 81: Rail Travel
- In transport of poultry by rail.
- in case the journey is for more than twelve hours, an attendant shall accompany the consignment;
- poultry shall not be exposed to rain or direct blast of air;
- as far as possible poultry shall be transported in wagons having adequate facilities for ventilation and no other merchandise which may result in mortality of birds shall be loaded in the same wagon;
- Rule 82: Air travel
- In transport of poultry by air or for international transport the containers carrying poultry shall be kept in pressurized compartments with regulated temperature and the container shall preferably be kept near the door and shall be unloaded immediately on arrival.
- Rule 83: Containers for transportation
- In transport of poultry by rain, road or air.
- containers used to transport poultry shall be made of such material which shall not collapse or crumble and they shall be well ventilated and designed to protect the health of poultry by giving it adequate space and safety.
- the containers shall be so designed as to render impossible for birds to crowd into the comers during transportation, and to avoid the danger of boxes being stocked so close together as to interfere with ventilation.
- all the containers shall be clearly labelled showing the name, address and telephone number of the consignor and the consignee.
- the minimum floor space per bird and the dimension of the containers for transporting poultry shall be specified in the Table below, namely:

- Rule 84:
- Special requirement of containers for chicks and poultry In transport of poultry by road, rail or air.
- wire mesh or a net of any material shall not be used as bottom for the containers.
- the containers shall be properly secured to avoid pilferage.
- the following instruction shall be printed on a label and fixed to the lid or printed directly on sides, namely “Care in Transit”.
- the consignee shall be informed about the train, transport or flight number and its time of arrival well in advance.
- poultry shall not be transported continuously for more than 6 hours and whole batch shall be inspected at every 6 hours interval.
- the transportation shall not remain stationary for more than 30 min and during this period, it shall be parked in shade and arrangement shall be made for feeding and watering.
- all precautions against fire shall be taken and provision of fire extinguishers in transport shall be provided.
Transport of Pigs by Rail on Road
In this chapter, unless context otherwise requires, “pigs” includes piglets, hogs, hoglets and animals of pig family.
- Rule 86: Duration of travel
- Rules 87 to 95 shall apply to the transport of pigs by rail or road involving journeys of more than six hours.
- Rule 87: Health Certificate
- A valid health certificate by a veterinary doctor to the effect that the pigs are in a fit condition to travel by rail or road and are not suffering from infectious or contagious or parasitic disease shall accompany each consignment in the transport of pigs by rail or road.
- In the absence of a certificate under sub-rule (i), the carrier shall refuse to accept the consignment for transport.
- The certificate under sub rule (I) shall be in a foI11’J specified in Schedule K.
- Rule 88:
- Identification of consignor and consignee for the purpose of this Chapter.
- each consignment shall bear a label showing in bold red letters the name, address, and telephone number (if any) of the consignor and consignee, the number and type of pigs being transported and quantity of
- rations and food provided to them.
- the consignee shall be informed in advance about the train or vehicle in which the consignment of pigs is being sent and its arrival time.
- the consignment of pigs shall be booked by the next train or vehicle and shall not be detained after the consignment is accepted for booking.
- Rule 89: First aid
- In transport of pigs by rail or road.
- first aid equipment shall accompany the pigs;
- suitable ramps shall be provided for loading and unloading the pigs;
- in the case of a railway wagons, when the loading or unloading is done on the plat form the dropped door of the wagon shall be used as a ramp.
- Rule 90: Group of pigs.
- In transport of pigs by rail or road, male young stock shall not be mixed with female stock in the same compartment.
- Rule 91: Facility of food and water
- In transport of pigs by rail or road, sufficient food and fodder shall be carried to last during the journey and watering facility shall be provided at regular intervals.
- Rule 92: Padding of floor during travel
- In transport of pigs by rail or road, material for padding, such as straw, shall be placed on the floor to avoid injury if an animals lies down, and this shall be not less than 5 cm thick.
- Rule 93: Ban on fettering.
- In transport of pigs by rail or road, the animals shall not be fettered unless there is a risk of their jumping out and their legs shall not be tied down.
- Rule 94: Space requirement during rail travel
- In transport of pigs by rail.
- no railway wagon shall accommodate more than the number of pigs as specified in the Table below:
- adequate ventilation shall be provided in every wagon and the upper door of one side of wagon shall be kept open and properly fixed and the upper door of the wagon shall have wire gauge closely welded mesh arrangements to prevent burning cinders from the engines entering the wagon and leading to fire breakout.
- Rule 95: Space requirement during road travel
- In transport of pigs by road:
- goods vehicles of capacity of 5 or 4.5 tons, which are generally used for transportation of animals, shall carry not more than twenty pigs.
- in the case of large goods vehicles and containers, partition shall be provided at every two or three metres, across the width to prevent the crowding and trapping of pigs.
- in the case of pigs under six weeks of age, separate panels shall be provided.
- Rule 96: Issues of certificate before transportation
- A valid certificate issued by an officer or any person or Animal Welfare Organisation duly recognised and authorised for this purpose by the Animal Welfare Board of India or the Central Government, shall be procured by any person making transport of any animal before transportation of such animal verifying that all the relevant Central and State Acts rules and orders pertaining to the said animal including the rules relating to transport of such animals have been duly complied with and that the animals are not being transported for any purpose contrary to the provision of any law.
- In the absence of such certificate, the carrier shall refuse to accept the consignment for transport.
- Rule 97: Cancellation of permit or authorisation for transport
- In the event of contravention or non-compliance of any of the rules contained in these rule for transport of animals, if it is pointed out in writing by any officer or person or Animal Welfare Organisations authorised for the purpose by the Animals Welfare Board of India or the Central Government, then, any permit or authorisation issued for such transport shall be immediately cancelled by the concerned authority and It shall be the duty of the police to stop further transport even from the intermediate station and proceed against the said offenders and deal With the animals in accordance with law;
- The custody of the animals immediately after unloading from the rail wagons, truck or any other vehicle shall be given to the authorised Animal Welfare Organisation if available, till the competent authority or the magistrate having jurisdiction decides about their care and upkeep.
- Rule 98: General conditions of transport
- Animals to be transported shall be healthy and in good condition and such animals shall be examined by the veterinary doctor for freedom from infectious diseases and their fitness to undertake the journey; provided that the nature and duration of the proposed journey shall be taken into account while deciding upon fitness.
- An animal which is unfit for transport shall not be transported and the animals who are new born, diseased, blind, emaciated, lame, fatigued or having given birth during the preceding seventy two hours or likely to give birth during transport shall not be transported.
- Very young animals shall not be mixed with other animals during transport.
- Different classes of animals shall be kept separately during transport.
- Diseased animals, whenever transported for treatment, shall not be mixed with other animals.
- Troublesome animals shall be given tranquilisers before loading for transport.
- Animals shall be transported in their on-farm social groups (established at least one week prior to journey).
In the said rules, after Schedule J, the following Schedule shall be inserted, namely:
Transport of animals on foot rules, 2001
(S.O. 268 (E) (26th March, 2001)
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of Section 38 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely:
Short title and commencement:
These rules may be called the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Transport of Animals on Foot). Rules 2001.
In these rules unless the context otherwise requires:(a) “animal” means livestock and includes the following animals namely:
- cattle including cow bulls and bullock, buffalo bulls and bullock, cows, buffaloes, mithuns, yaks and calves;
- equines including horses, ponies, mules and donkeys.
- horse including stallions, geldings, brood mare, colts and fillies, goat including adult goat, male or female of two years age and above.
- buck including male goat.
- kid-young goat below one year of age.
- nanny-female goat.
- sheep including adult sheep, male or female of two years age and above.
- ewe-female sheep.
- Iamb-young sheep below one year of age; (xi) ram-male sheep.
- wether includes male Iamb that has been castrated before reaching sexual maturity.
- pig includes adult pig, male or female of one year of age or above.
- piglet includes young pig below one year of age.
- veterinary doctor” means a person registered with the Veterinary Council of India established under the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984(520f1984):
- “Schedule” means a schedule appended to these rules.
Application of the rules:
These rules shall apply to transport of animals on foot when the distance from the boundary of Village or town or city of the origin of such transport to the last destination is 5 km or more than 5 km.
Condition of health of animals transported on foot:
- Every animal to be transported on foot shall be healthy and in good condition for such transport.
- A certificate of a veterinary doctor in respect of each animal to be transported to the effect that such animal is in a fit condition for such transportation and is not suffering from any infectious, contagious or parasitic diseases and that it has been vaccinated against any infectious, contagious or parasitic diseases shall accompany such animal.
- The certificate under sub rule (1) shall be in the form as specified in the First Schedule.
Certain animals do not transport on foot:
New born animals of which the navel has not completely healed, diseased, blind, emaciated, lame, fatigued, or having given birth during the preceding seventy two hours or likely to give birth during transport shall not be transported on foot.
Transport in on-farm social group:
Animal shall-be transported in their on farm social groups (established at least one week prior to journey).
First aid equipment to accompany animals transported on foot:
The owner of the animals shall provide veterinary first aid equipment to be accompanied with such animals while transported on foot.
Certificate to be carried during transportation:
In case the person transporting the animals on foot is not the owner of the animals then such person shall carry a certificate as specified in the Second Schedule during such transportation.
Watering arrangement during transportation of animals:
The owner of the animals shall make watering arrangement en route during transport of such animals on foot.
Feed and fodder arrangements during transportation of animals:
Sufficient feed and fodder with adequate reserve of such feed and fodder for the animals shall be made available by their owner during their transport on foot.
Prohibition of the use of whip, etc. during transportation of animals on foot:
No person shall use a whip or a stick in order to make the animals to walk or to hasten the pace nor such person shall apply chillies or any such substance to any part of body of the animals for this purpose during their transportation on foot.
If any animal needs to be tied during transport on foot, it shall be tied by a rope covered with suitable cushioning such as cloth around its leg and such animal shall not be tied by its nose, all legs or any other part of the body except by its neck.
If more than one animal is to be tied adjacent to one another by a single rope during their transport on foot, the space between any two of such animals shall be minimum two feet and animals so tied shall be of similar physical condition and strength and no more than two such animals shall be tied adjacent to each other by a single rope.
Certain prohibition on transport of animals on foot:
No person shall transport on foot an animal before sunrise or after sunset.
No animal shall be transported on foot beyond the distance, time, rest interval and temperature
specified for such animal in the following Table:
No animal shall be made to walk under conditions of heavy rain, thunderstorms or extremely dry or sultry conditions during is transport on foot.
Transportation of animals in certain cases not permitted without shoes:
Animals whose hooves are not provided with shoes (as in the case of pack or draught animal) shall not be transported on foot on hard cement, bitumen-coated or metalled roads, steep gradients or hilly and rocky terrain, irrespective of weather conditions (summer or winter).
Power of Police to require the owner to take animal to nearest Magistrate:
If any police officer or any other person authorized on this behalf by the Government or by the Animal Welfare Board of India has reason to believe that an offence has been or is being committed in respect of an animal in contravention of these rules he may require the owner or other person in charges of such animal to take the animal to the nearest magistrate.
If the owner or the person in charge of the animals referred to in sub rule (I) refuses to comply with the demands of the police officer under that sub rule, it shall be lawful for such police officer or such other persons to take the animal to the nearest magistrate.
After being provided with water every animal shall be given a break of 20 minutes before thecommencement of the transport of the animal on foot and in case of feeding the break shall be given for onehour before the commencement of the transport of the animal on foot.