Veterinary Physiology of Nervous system

Veterinary Physiology of Nervous system includes- neurons, supporting cells, properties and classification of nerve fiber, membrane potential, stimulus, synapse, receptors, CNS and PNS and their parts, vision and hearing organs.

Click on given links below to read respective topics

  1. Introduction
  2. Embryological development and divisions
  3. Neurons
  4. Classification of neurons
  5. Supporting cells
  6. Nerve fibers
  7. Impulse
  8. Synapse
  9. Receptors
  10. CNS
  11. Cerebral Cortex
  12. Regions of cerebral hemisphere
  13. Corpus collosum
  14. Basal ganglia
  15. Corpus striatum and Globus pallidus
  16. Limbic System
  17. Amygdala
  18. Thalamus
  19. Hypothalamus
  20. Pineal gland
  21. Interbrain (Diencephalon)
  22. Cerebellum
  23. Midbrain
  24. Brain stem
  25. Medulla oblongata and Pons
  26. Functions of BSRF
  27. Reflex activities of brain stem
  28. Sleep
  29. Spinal cord
  30. Reflexes
  31. PNS
  32. ANS
  33. Physiology of Vision
  34. Auditory apparatus
  35. Process of hearing
  36. Auditory pathway
  37. Olfaction
  38. Gustation
  39. Transduction of taste
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