Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia
Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia is a classical and contagious disease of goats resembles the contagious bovine pleuropneumonia. It develops pleuropneumonia in sheep and goats.
Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia is a classical and contagious disease of goats resembles the contagious bovine pleuropneumonia. It develops pleuropneumonia in sheep and goats.
Avian Mycoplasmosis develops reduced hatchability, sub optimal egg production and poor carcass quality there by impose economic loss.
Pullorum Disease (Bacillary White Diarrhoea) is caused by salmonella pullorum. It causes acute systemic infection in young chicks and localized chronic infection in adults.
Fowl Cholera (Avian Pasteurellosis) is a peracute, most virulent and highly contagious diseases of poultry. It has got world wide distribution and many countries considered this disease as notifiable disease.
Fowl Typhoid in animals is an infectious, enteric disease of adult and layer birds. The disease develops a more acute septicaemic condition mainly in mature birds and more severe condition in commercial laying flocks.
Glanders (Farcy) Disease is a highly contagious and chronic disease of solipedes and is characterized by the development of nodules, ulcers in upper respiratory tract, lungs, and cutaneous tissues.
Tetanus (Lockjaw) in animals is a non contagious, non-febrile, infectious disease of mammals affected by toxins released by Clostridium tetani. It is characterized by spasmodic contractions of skeletal muscles.
Salmonellosis (Paratyphoid) is an acute, chronic and contagious disease of all species of animals, birds and human beings characterised by the development of severe dysentery and gastroenteritis.
Listeriosis is also known as Silage disease or Circling disease. It is a primarily disease of ruminants, particularly seen in sheep with characteristic septicemia, encephalitis, spinal myelitis, abortion, uveitis, gastroenteritis and mastitis.
Listeriosis (Silage disease or Circling disease) Read More »
Brucellosis is an important Zoonotic disease, causes a significant reproductive losses through abortions, placentitis, epididymitis and orchitis in infected animals. Brucellosis is caused more often by B.abortus, less frequently by B.melitensis and occasionally by B.suis.