Veterinary Pharmacology

Veterinary pharmacology (VPT) is defined as the study of the properties of drugs and all aspects of their interaction with living organisms. It includes these headings-

Veterinary General Pharmacology includes history, scope, branches and related terms, sources of different drugs, route of administration, biological membrane, pharmacokinetics and dynamics of drug, receptors structure, dose response curve, and adverse effects of drugs

Veterinary Systemic Pharmacology includes gastro intestinal and cardiac pharmacology, purgatives and laxatives, antidiarrheal, rumen pharmacology, antiarrhythmic drugs, vasodilators, antihypertensive drugs, hematinic, coagulants, anticoagulants, respiratory, decongestants, anti-tussive, bronchodilators, diuretics, urogenital system, metabolic hormones, reproductive and skin pharmacology

Veterinary Neuropharmacology includes cholinergic pharmacology, adrenergic pharmacology, neuromuscular blockers, autacoid pharmacology, CNS pharmacology, anesthetics, hypnotics, sedatives, opioid drugs, CNS depressants, CNS stimulants, Analeptics and antipsychotic drugs

Veterinary Toxicology is the science of study of toxicants. it includes introduction, definition, branches, history, classification of poisons, toxicity factors, diagnosis, treatment of poisonings, plant and plant poisoning, Non-metallic poisoning, phytotoxins, photosensitization, mycotoxins, bacterial toxin, agrochemicals, snake venom, residue toxicity, radiation hazards