Duties of Veterinarians to the Profession
There are various duties of veterinarians to the profession. These are listed here and explained one by one.

Upholding the Honour of the Profession
A veterinarian is expected to uphold the dignity and honour of his profession.
Membership of Societies
For the advancement of his/her profession a veterinarian may affiliate himself/herself with professional societies and contribute his/her time means and energy to their progress, so that they may represent and promote the ideals of the profession better.
Safeguarding the Profession
Every veterinarian shall laid in safeguarding the profession against admission to it of those who are deficient in moral character or education.
He/she should not employ in connection with his/her professional practice any unqualified personnel to treat or perform operation upon patients.
Exposure of Unethical Conduct
Exposure of unethical conduct on the part of any member of the profession shall be done without fear of favour.
The incompetent corrupt, dishonest or unethical conduct on the part of any member of the profession shall be discouraged at any cost.
Appointment of Substitute
Whenever a veterinarian (hereinafter mentioned as absent veterinarian) requests another veterinarian to attend to his/her patient/clients during his/her temporary absence from practice professional courtesy requires the acceptance of such an appointment by the latter, if consistent with his/her other duties.
The veterinarian under such appointment shall give utmost consideration to the interest and reputation of the ‘absent’ veterinarian. He/she shall not charge either the patient or the absent veterinarian or his/her service, except in case of special arrangement between them. All such patients shall be restored to the care of the absent veterinarian upon his/her return.
Professional Services of Veterinarians to one Another
- There is no rule that a veterinarian shall not charge another veterinarian or a member of a sister profession for service rendered. But a veterinarian shall consider it a pleasure and privilege to render gratuitous service to his/her professional brethren, if they are in his/her vicinity, or to a veterinary student.
- When a veterinarian is called from a distance to attend to a case of a fellow veterinarian or a member of a sister profession, reimbursement shall be made for traveling and other incidental expenses.
- A veterinarian called in any emergency to visit a patient under the care of another veterinarian, shall when the emergency is over, retire in favour of the latter; but shall be entitled to charge the client for his/her services.
- When a veterinarian is consulted at his/her own residence, it is not binding on him/her to inquire if the patient has been under the care of another veterinarian. But in the interests of the patient he/she shall, while ascertaining history, go through the treatment followed if any. However, it is unethical that his information be used to malign or instigate against, directly or indirectly, the veterinarian who happened to attend on the patient previously. When a veterinarian sees a patient at the request of another veterinarian, it shall be the duty of the first veterinarian to write a letter to the veterinarian making the request stating his/her opinion of the case with the modes, of treatment he/she thinks proper to be adopted.
If a veterinarian is engaged to attend on a patient of dystocia or a similar distress he/she shall do so Refusal to do so under excuse of another engagement is unethical except when he/she is already engaged in similar or another serious case (s).
When a veterinarian engaged to attend a serious case is absent and another veterinarian is sent for, the latter shall be entitled to legitimate fees; provided that he/she shall secure the client’s consent to withdraw on arrival of the former at a mutually consented or logical phase.
When it becomes the duty of a veterinarian occupying an official position to see and report on an illness or injury or any other professional problems concerning a patient, he/she shall do so, but communicate to the veterinarian in attendance, so as to give him/her an option to be present. The former shall avoid remarks on the diagnosis or treatment that has been adopted. This does not prevent him/her from discussion the matter with the later in isolation.
Duties of Practitioners in Consultation
Consultation shall be Encouraged
In case of serious illness / doubtful or difficult conditions, a veterinarian shall always request consultation; he/she shall also do so in the case of major surgical interventions, out break of herd diseases, poisoning, endemic or undiagnosable situations.
Punctuality in Consultations
Punctuality shall be observed by a veterinarian in attending a consultation. If a consultant veterinarian does not arrive within reasonable time, the consulting veterinarian shall beat liberty to see the patient; provided that he/she shall leave his/her conclusion in writing in a closed envelope. The same rule is applicable if the consulting veterinarian fails to turn up in time.
Patient referred to another Veterinarian
When a patient is referred to another veterinarian, a statement of the history, observation, clinical and laboratory examination as well as the tentative treatments undertaken shall be given.
On receipt of the above statement the veterinarian receiving the referred case shall communicate his/her opinion to the attending veterinarian and either shall continue the treatment as per his/her opinion or return the case along with his/her opinion communicated.
Consultation for Patient’s Benefit
In every consultation, the benefit of the patient shall be of prime importance. It should not be done with an ulterior motive of evasion of responsibilities or on monetary considerations.
Conduct of Consultation
In consultation there shall be not place for insincerity, rivalry or envy. All due respect shall be shown to the veterinarian in charge of the case and no statement or remark shall be made which would impair the confidence reposed in him/her by the client. For this purpose no such discussion shall, therefore, be made before the client.
All statements to the client shall be made in the presence of consulting veterinarian, except as otherwise agreed. Announcement to the client also shall be made by the consulting veterinarian to the extent possible.
Difference of opinion shall not be divulged, unless both feel that it would be in the interest of the patient or dignity of the profession.
It shall be open to the client to take further advice and the consulting veterinarian with the consent of the client may consult yet another veterinarian, the rules of ethics remaining the same.
Cessation of Consultation
Attendance of consulting veterinarian shall cease when consultation is concluded; unless another appointment is arranged by the attending veterinarian.
Treatment after Consultation
No decision shall restrain the attending veterinarian from making such subsequent variation in the treatment as any unexpected change or development may demand; provided that at the next consultation, reasons for variations are stated.
The same privilege, with its obligations, belongs to the consultant when sent for in an emergency during the absence of attending veterinarian.
The attending veterinarian may prescribe at any time; but the consultant only in case of emergency or instant need. All treatments by both shall be stated to each other.
Consultant not to take Charge of the Case
When a consultant veterinarian is called upon to be consulted, none but the rarest and most exceptional circumstances shall justify the consultant taking charge of the case. He must not do so merely on solicitation of the client of his representative.
Bar on Consulting Non-registered Veterinary Practitioners
No veterinarian shall have consultation with a veterinary practitioner who is not registered.
Duties of Veterinarians to the Public
Veterinarian as Citizen
Veterinarians as good citizens possessed of special training, shall advise concerning the health and husbandry of the animals, in the localities wherein they dwell.
They shall play their part in enforcing the laws of the community (not favouring any communal overtones or prejudices) and in substantiating the institutions that advance the interests of humanity. They shall cooperate with the authorities in the humanity.
They shall cooperate with the authorities in the observance and enforcement of sanitary laws and the laws relating to drugs poisons and pharmacy, made for the protection of health.
Public Health
A veterinarian engaged in public health work shall enlighten the public concerning quarantine
regulations and measures for the prevention of epizootic, zoonotic and food borne diseases and intoxications and communicable diseases.
At all times, the veterinarians shall notify the respective authorities of every case of communicable diseases under their care in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the authorities.
When an epidemic prevails, the veterinarian shall continue his/her labour without regard to the
risk to his/her own health. He/She shall endeavour to ensure hygienic handling of animal products and wastes thereof and educate the public of food-borne diseases and intoxications.
Livestock Production and Technology
A veterinarian shall strive for the betterment of animal production through timely advice /
propaganda on scientific management involving economically viable and hygienic housing, adoption of scientific breeding schedule, disease prevention of routines, reproductive health monitoring, hygienic and systematic care before, at and following parturition, care of new born, hygienic collection of farm products and proper disposal of animal products and wastes thereof.
He or she should strive to educate the public and Para veterinary staff personnel regarding timely insemination and aseptic handling during AI and discourage the unscientific unhygienic inseminations.