Disciplinary Action for Veterinarians
The Veterinary Council of India brings to the notice of the registered veterinary practitioners for disciplinary action for veterinarians.
In matters regarding offences and form of professional misconduct, which may be brought before the appropriate Veterinary Council for disciplinary action, in view of the authority conferred by section 31 of the Act, the appropriate Veterinary Councils may award such punishment’s as deemed necessary or may direct the removal altogether, or for a specific period, from the register, the name of any registered veterinary practitioner, who has been convicted of any such offence.

The appropriate Veterinary Council may also direct that any name so removed shall be restored.
It must be clearly understood that the instances of offences and of professional misconduct, which are given, do not constitute a complete list of the infamous acts which may be punished.
Circumstances may and do arise from time to time, in relation to which may occur questions of professional misconduct, which do not come within any of these categories.
Every care should be taken that the code is not violation in letter or spirit. In such instance, as in all others the Veterinary Council of India and/or State Veterinary Council(s) has / have to consider and decide upon the facts brought before the Veterinary Council of India and/or State Veterinary Council(s).
Professional Misconduct
The following actions shall constitute professional misconduct:
- Improper conduct with a patient or maintaining an improper association with a client.
- Conviction by a Court of law of offences involving moral turpitude.
- Contravention of the provisions of law relating to drugs and regulations made thereunder.
- Selling a drug or poison regulated by law to the public or his/her clients, save as provided by that law.
- Performing, or enabling an unqualified person to perform, any illegal operation for which there is no medical, surgical or psychological indication.
- Affixing a signboard on a chemist’s shop or in places where the veterinarian does not reside or work. This should not be construed to mean announcement, boards or direction indicators.
- While displaying a board or a name plate, to write anything other than his/her name, qualifications obtained from a University or a statutory body, titles and names of his/her specialty if any (such name being the content of his/her prescription papers), and the registration number.
- Before euthanasia or before performing an operation not obtaining in writing the consent of the client.
- Using touts or agents for procuring patients.
Tampering with or falsely providing professional certificates, reports and other documents. The registered veterinary practitioners are in certain cases bound by law to give or may from time to time be called upon or requested to give signed certificates, reports and other documents of kindred character by courts, administrative offices, banks as part of veterinary service.
Notwithstanding the existence of other similar and/or kindred documents such documents shall include:
- A vaccination certificate for licensing of pets.
- A vaccination certificate for transport across border from one state to another.
- A vaccination certificate for export of animals.
- A soundness certificate for a horse or health certificate for cattle for the purpose of insurance, registration, etc.
- A certificate indicating results of test (diagnostic) like tuberculin test.
- Post-mortem reports in vetro-legal cases, for purpose of insurance claims etc.
- Trauma certificate indivating the extent and nature of damage and/or deterioration, in vetero-legal cases involving accidents, cruelty or vindication.
- Birth certificates required at times for purposes of insurance, registrations, loans etc.
- A certificate indicating, reproductive defects, diseases and other conditions rendering an animal uneconomic (fit for culling).
- A certificate for euthanasia where treatment is unlikely to be rewarding and; a certificate of performance of euthanasia.
- Quarantine clearance certificate for having cleared quarantine at places of disembarkation of animals/birds/livestock products.
- Any registered veterinary practitioner who shall be proved to have signed or given under his/her name and authority any such certificate, report or document of a kindred character which is untrue, misleading or improperly relating to the several matters, some of which are specified above, is liable to have his/her name erased from the Indian Veterinary Practitioners’ Register.
- A registered veterinary practitioner shall maintain a Register of Veterinary Medical Certificates giving full details of certificates issued.
- When issuing such a certificate the identification mark of the patient, name or number, if any, age and other details including owner’s name and keep a copy of the Certificate for record with him. The client’s signature and/or thumb impression and a declaration that he is the genuine owner of the patient or is his authorized representative shall invariably be obtained.
Disciplinary Committees
There shall be a Disciplinary Committee charged with the duty of considering and determining:
- (a) Any case of indiscipline referred to them by State Veterinary Council or appeal by aggrieved registered veterinary practitioners.
- (b) Any other case of which the Disciplinary Committee has cognizance.
The State Veterinary Council shall investigate, through Committee (s) / Sub Committee (s) (by fact-finding and receiving complaints), regarding:
- (a) Registered veterinary practitioners being convicted of any criminal offence which in the opinion of the committee renders unfit to practice veterinary profession.
- (b) Any such veterinarian detected / judged to have been guilty of disgraceful conduct in any
- professional respect.
- (c) Any person whose name is fraudulently entered in the register.
The State Veterinary Council (s) shall on receipt of complaints regarding any unregistered individual and individuals who while rendering minor veterinary services described under sub-section (b) of section 30 of the Act, undertake unsupervised treatment/veterinary service assuming himself/herself to be a veterinarian, shall make necessary investigations and advise the concerned State government to take appropriate action or shall themselves initiate action under the law.