Euthanasia is the production of quiet, painless death in an animal for humane reasons. It is performed for the hopeless cases, when the treatment would be in effective and the animal is suffering severe pain.
Owners can request to euthanize animals, if the animals have behaviour problems. It the owners no longer wish to own the said animal.
Veterinarians should not advocate or recommend euthanasia in any specific case. They should present the alternatives and try to give the client, the facts upon which to make a decision. The decision to euthanize an animal is the ultimate responsibility of the owner.
In addition to client relations and ethical problems which may occur in a case terminating in euthanasia the veterinarian should consider the legal implications. Prime importance is to obtain the consent of the rightful owner or authorized agent in writing on a consent form. Failure to obtain owner and or insurer permission invites a lawsuit.
Veterinarian has a legal obligation to euthanize an animal.
Owner retains all property rights to the animals body and may either remove it or ask the veterinarian to dispose of.
Before euthanasia is performed, it has to ascertained that the animal involved in indeed the one to be euthanized.
Selection of the method of euthanasia is dependant upon the:
- Species of the animal
- Available means of control of the animal
- Numbers of animals
- Economic considerations
- Wishes of the owner
Selection of method of euthanasia points to be considered:
- Method should produce death without pain
- Time to produce unconsciousness and death should be short
- Method should be reliable
- Method should minimize undesirable psychological stress
- Method should be compatible with its purpose
- Should minimize the emotional effect upon observes and operators
- Should be economically feasible
- Should have a restricted environmental impact
- Should be safe for the personnel involved
Need for euthanasia: In hopeless cases, to alleviate pain and suffering of animals.
Pre requisite for euthanasia: Consent of the owner, who has all the property rights of the body of the animal.
Points to be kept in mind while selecting the method of euthanasia:
The method should be Economical Reliable and Should produce death in a very short period without causing pain to the animal.
Euthanasia with Inhalants
- Chloroform, ether, halothane and methoxyflurane: They are useful in the euthanasia of young animals like pup and kittens when venipuncture is difficult.
- Carbonmonoxide: Carbonmonixide 6% is effectively used to euthanize small animals like dogs and cats.
- Carondioxide: used to euthanize small laboratory animals such as mice, rat, rabbit and poultry birds. Acombination of CO2 (40%) and CO (3%) can also be used for euthanasia.
Euthanasia with non Inhalants or Injectables
Most of the agents in this category can be given i/v by intra-thoracic, intra-cardinc or intra-peritoneal.
- Barbiturates: Sudium Phenobarbitone solution (200 mg/ml) at a dose rate of 1 ml/kg b.wt can be used to euthanasia the small animals.
- Chloral hydrate: Used to euthanize large animals at the dose rate of 2mg/10 kg b.wt.
- Strychnine: Produces violent muscular contraction and produces a painful death.
- Magnesium sulphate: Saturated solution of Magnesium sulphate is an inexpensive method of euthanasia in both large and small animals.
- Potassium chloride: Saturated solution of potassium chloride can be used for euthanizing the animals.
Euthanasia with Physical Methods
- Electrocution: Is a feasible to electrodute individual animals which is relatively humane.
- Shooting: Is a humane and rapid method of euthanatia ut it causes excessive haemorrhage.
Request Form for Euthanasia