Camelids (Camels)

Camelids (Camels)

The Camelids (Camels) belong to the sub-order called “Tylopoda” and family called “camelidae”. Camels have a unique capacity to pass the desiccated fecal materials when water intake is restricted.

In the Arabian desert during the summer, freshly passed feces can be used for fuel. Camels are pseudoruminants.

In this family, followings are seen: Old world camelids and South American camelids.

Old World Camelids

Dromedary camel that has a zoological name of “Camelus dromedarius”: Found in hot and cold deserts of Asia, Africa and middle east.

Bacterian camel that has a zoological name of “Camelus bactrianus”: Found in cold and arid deserts of Asia, Kazahstan, Mangolia and China.

South American camelids

  • Llama (Llama glama)
  • Guanaco (Lama guanicoe)
  • Vicuna (Llama vicugna)
  • Alpaca (Llamapacos)
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