Breeding Management of Cats
Breeding management of cats involves careful planning, health considerations, and responsible care to ensure the well-being of both the queen (female cat) and the kittens.
Male and Female Reproductive Organ
The ovaries are relatively small, lima bean shaped, following ovulation the ova spend approximately 2 days moving through the oviducts to the uterus.
In cats, the first stage of meiosis takes place before ovulation.
Unlike the dog‘s ova, the ova of that are ready for fertilization immediately upon ovulation and movement into the oviducts.
Most female cats have four functioning pairs of mammary gland, which located in two parallel rows.
The male cats are capable of sexual activity and mating throughout the year, but during winter their activity is reduced.
The penis of cat is shaped and positioned so that it deflected slightly downward and caudally (rather than cranially, as in other domestic species) when erect.
This allows intromission when the male mounts a receptive female. An additional unique characteristic is cat the external surface of the glans portion of the cat‘s penis is spiked.
These are directed towards the base of the penis and provide stimulation to the walls of the female cat‘s vagina during mating
This stimulation is necessary for the Luteinizing hormone surge in the female cat that subsequently lead to ovulation.
Reproductive Details
Female cats are seasonally polyestrous, and the season begins in January and end in October
Cats normally reach sexual maturity at 5-10 months (females) and to 5-7 months (males), although this can vary depending on breed.

Oestrus cycle is 14-21 days and during this period more number of males are attracted. Males will fight each other and succeeded male will mate.
Signs of Estrus
The female in estrus can be identified by the ‘calling‘, although this can be more like shrieking or wailing in some breeds such as Siamese. Some Persians content themselves with dainty little mews and miaows.
The female displays some brazen behaviour, rolling and dragging herself around the floor, flicking her tail and raising her rump to expose the reddened vulva.
She may also lose interest in her food. Picking her up by her neck folds (as an interested tom would do) and stroke along her back may show positive response with pleasure, pads her feet and raises her tail.
Breeding of Cat
If a decision has been made to breed, the health of the cat must be thoroughly evaluated.
For female, information like previous estrus period, breeding date and the outcome, health record, vaccination detail, disease history should be noted. The timing of breeding is best determined by the queen/s behaviour.
As the queen enters estrus, she begins to show a coital crouch when in the presence of a male cat or in response to genital stimulation.
A receptive female will solicit attention from the male cat and allow mounting and intromission.
Mating in cats occurs rapidly, lasting between 30 seconds and 5 minutes.
The tom cat mount and clasps the flanks of the female with his forelegs, her with his hind limbs, and grasps the dorsal aspect of her neck with his teeth. This grip is inhibited, and so only in very rate case penetrates the female‘s skin.
Almost immediately, the male treads rapidly with his hind limbs and shows pelvic thrusts, resulting in intromission. In domestic cats, intromission is almost immediate followed by ejaculation.

The male immediately begins to dismount this cause the female to elicit a very shrill post copulatory cry, after which she usually turns aggressively towards the male.
The aggressiveness is less towards known mates. After mating female will vigorously roll on the floor, it shows other reactions like rubbing and licking that lasts between 30 seconds and several minutes.
If the male is present she usually adopts a receptive position shortly after and breeding begins again.
Cats resume mating within 30 minutes and experienced pair will mate ten times in an hour. For LH surge and ovulation minimum of four mating is essential with in a period of 24 hours.
The estrus period will normally end abruptly by 24 to 36 hours after initiation of mating. The female cat will not come to estrus until the kittens are weaned or until next breeding season.
If the female does not conceived, she will either enter pseudo-pregnancy or return to estrus cycle.