Electrocution in Animals

Electrocution in Animals

Electrocution in Animals is common condition nowadays seen due to defective electric circuits in cow sheds and other bad management practices. It is different from Lightning stroke.

Common causes of electrocution in animals are:

  • Defective electric circuits in cow sheds.
  • Electric pole or water lines may be electrified due to a short circuit.
  • Transmission lines may break and fall on the animals.
  • Fallen transmission wires may electrify a pool of water and animals passing through it may be killed instantly.
  • Animals may chew the electric-cord and receive an electric shock.
Electrocution in Animals
Fig.: Electrocution in Birds

Effect of Electrocution on the Body

The clinical symptoms due to electrocution depend upon:

  • The strength of the current
  • The efficiency of the contact and earth
  • The length of exposure and the area in contact

Death by electrocution occurs due to:

  • Ventricular fibrillation
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Respiratory failure

Clinical Symptoms

Minor electrocution

  • Animal will be restless, nervous and may kicking.
  • Animal which have received intermittent shock, may eat and drink with care.

Less severe electrocution

  • Animal becomes unconscious and may recover completely after a few minutes.
  • Some animals may show nervous symptoms such as depression, paraplegia.
  • These symptoms may persist or disappear gradually.

Severe electrocution

  • Animals may fall dead without struggle in most instances.
  • Singeing and burning marks occurs in most of the cases of lightning.
  • Hairs have a brownish discolouration and abnormal kinking.
  • Half-chewed food in the mouth is a significant finding in the case of a lightning stroke.
  • Varying degrees of shock may occur.

Postmortem Changes

Postmortem Changes of electrocution in animals is seen on following systems:

Circulatory system

  • Bloody discharge from all natural orifices.
  • Blood is dark and tends to clot slowly.
  • Petechial haemorrhages throughout the body, endocardium, meninges and CNS.

Skin & Musculoskeletal system

  • Extravasation of blood in muscles and superficial lymphnodes.
  • Longitudinal fractures of long ones.
  • Singeing or burning marks on the feet or muzzle.

Gastro Intestinal tracts

  • Distended rumen and swollen carcass.

Respiratory system

  • Congested upper respiratory tract mucosal.

Rigor mortis develops and passes quickly early putrefaction in case of electrocution in animals.

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