Death due to Snake Bite
Death due to snake bites are common in dogs and roaming animals. Because of their size, horses and cattle seldom die due to direct result of snake venom ut death may follow bites on muzzle, head or neck.
Types of Snakes
Elapine snakes are cobra, coral snakes, etc. They have short fangs and produce neurotoxin that paralyses the respiratory centre.
Clinical symptoms of elapines bite:
- Pain and swelling are minimal
- Systemic neurologic signs predominate
- Excitement with convulsions

Viperine snakes are true vipers, pit vipers etc. They have long fangs and produce hemotoxin, necrotising and anticoagulant.
Clinical symptoms of viperines bite:
- Severe Intal tissue damage
- Tissue becomes discoloured within few minutes.
- Dark bloody fluid may ooze out of the fang wounds and c
- Based on clinical signs
- Identification of the snake bitten
Differential Diagnosis
- Specific Monovalent antivenom
- Polyvalent snake antivenom