Death due to Lightning Stroke

Death due to Lightning Stroke

Accidental deaths of animals may occur due to a lightning stroke and electrocution. It is common in domestic animals.

Common causes of lightning stroke are:

  1. Flashes of lightning during thunderstorms may prove fatal to animals.
  2. Big trees usually have well-developed root systems.
  3. During a thunderstorm, if the ground is damp, then electrification of the root system charges a wide surface area.
  4. Merely standing on electrified earth electrocutes animals.

In Lightning stroke, if animals die following points should be taken for:

  1. History of thunderstorm in the locality.
  2. Evidence of the effects of lightning.
  3. Damage to houses or trees.
  4. Often, a lightning stroke will affect several animals in a herd.
Death due to Lightning Stroke in Animals
Fig.: Lightning Strokes

Signs of Death due to Lightning Stroke

Half-chewed food in the mouth is a significant finding in the case of a lightning stroke.

Singeing and burning marks occur in about 90 per cent of cases of lightning. Mostly on the medial sides of the limbs but the hairs have a brownish discolouration and abnormal kinking.

Causes of death form electric currents is not necessary the same in all cases:

  • Low tension and intensity current.
  • Kill by producing ventricular fibrillation.
  • Closing the current inhibit the heart.
  • Opening the current is followed by fibrillation.
  • High tension and intensity
  • Kill by paralysing the bulbar respiratory centre.
  • Flash of lightning seen.
  • Considerable air pressure.
  • Death is immediate due to CNS affection.
  • Severe injuries seen
  • Paralysing heart or respiratory center.
  • Flash travel zigzag (easiest path of least resistance).
  • Lighting always is DC.
  • Forms ladder path form clouds to earth.
  • It cause 10,000 to 2,00,000 amperes & voltage up to 2,00,00,000.
  • It take 1/1000 of second.
  • Thunderous sound is high voltage and amperage generates tremendous heat cause blasts.
  • Destruction zone is 30 meters.


  • Linear lighting- group of animals affected.
  • Tall trees with developed roots e.g. oak, poplar, elm,conifer, walnut, ash, beech.
  • Faulty electric circuits.
  • Metallic manager, electric pole, water or milk line electrified due to short circuit.
  • Transmission wires breaks fall on animals.
  • Transmission wires fall on ground.
  • Geological composition-Loam, sand, clay, marble and chalk enhance conductivity.
  • Rocky area- more exit.
  • Chewing of electrical wires.
  • 110 to 220 volts sufficient to kill adult cattle provided their contact. with surface ground is strong enough.
  • Good conduct when which is standing in water or on a damp floor.


  • Shock
  • Fell dead with out struggles.
  • Less severe cases-unconscious and recover after few minutes.
  • Residual nervous symptom-depression, paraplegia and cutaneous hyper aesthesia.
  • Minor case-restless, nervous and kicking at the stanchion or dividing rail.
  • Intermittent shock eat and drink with care.
  • Singeing and burning marks-medial sides of limbs.
  • Hair brownish and abnormal kinking.
  • Half chewed food in the mouth.

Causes of Death and Postmortem Changes

Causes of death

  • Nervous shock.
  • Respiratory paralysis.
  • Ventricular fibrillation.

Postmortem changes

  • Rigor develops and passes quickly-early putrification.
  • Bloody discharge form natural office.
  • Blood-dark and tends to clot slowly.
  • Distended rumen and swollen carcass.
  • Petechial haemorrhage throughout the body endocardium, meanings and CNS.
  • Congested upper respiratory tract mucosae.
  • Extravasation of blood in muscles and lymph nodes.
  • Longitudinal fracture of long bones.
  • Singeing or burning marks on the feet or muzzle.
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