Factors Causing Impact on Protected Regions of Wildlife
There are multiple factors causing impact on protected regions of wildlife that are made for various reasons.
In this regard, it is to be noted that planning and management of various wildlife sanctuaries and national parks together with other conservation units get affected by various developmental activities like building of roads, dams, transportation of minerals or mining related works, transportation of natural gas or oil and other exploitation related measures made for various purposes.
Pheromones are the scent materials by which the wild animals of different species in the forest communicate with each other and are often used to attract the opposite sex. Pheromones are also used to indicate the occupation of a territory to the conspecifics (animals of the same species).
Examples of Pheromones in Wildlife
- Hyaenas have scent glands in anal region.
- Felids have scent glands and their markings leave a musky odor that can be perceived by human nose for almost three weeks and the markingĀ is done mainly along with the urination.
- Wild sheep or goat species may have such type of glands in between the two main toes of the feet.
- In cervids and antelopes in general, scent glands are present below the eye.
Animal indicators
Animals are being used to indicate the health status of themselves, the environment etc. The complexity of factors like nutritional, ethological, environmental, genetic etc. act in general upon a population of wild animals.
These factors are assessed by secondary indicators like habitat, feeding habits, population characteristics. Assessment of primary indicators that are obtained directly from wild animals representing a population may help in the minimizing of many sources of variations and provide greater precision, in general.
During the planning of wildlife management, more significance is generally given to the various types of wildlife values.
Zoological Medicine
In general, medicine is defined as any means to cure disease or improve health and health is broadly defined as the general condition of body and mind. Zoological Medicine is a wide spectrum of disciplines associated with the medical problems of all species of wild animals in a captive wild animal place.
Types of Medicine in wildlife field:
- Zoo medicine: It is associated with captive wild animals.
- Wildlife medicine: It is the one that is associated with free living wild animals.
- Population medicine: It is the one that is associated with large number of wild animals.