Death due to Asphyxia

Death due to Asphyxia

Death due to asphyxia take place when the respiratory function stops due to lack of oxygen, before the heart ceases to act.

Asphyxia refers to an interference with the oxygen interchange in the lungs. It is used in the broader sense of anoxia and tissue as phyxiation produced when the oxygen and carbondioxide inter change between the blood in the capillaries and tissues cells in all parts of the body is prevented.


  • Mechanical obstruction in the respiratory tract by Foreign bodies, exudation, tumours, anaphylactic bronchospasm, suffocation and drowning-blocks the lumen of the respiratory tract from within.
  • Spasm of glottis occur due to mechanical irritation and irritant gases, forcible closure of mouth and nose by any means.
  • Absence of sufficient oxygen at high altitudes. Presence of inert gases like carbon monoxide in the atmosphere.
  • Stoppage of movements of chest from exhaustion of the respiratory muscles due to cold and debility.
  • Paralysis of the respiratory muscles due to the diseases (or) injury of the medulla (or) phrenic nerve (or) pneumogastric nerves.
  • Mechanical pressure on the chest or abdomen.
  • Tonic spasm due to Tetanus or Strychnine poisoning.
  • Non-entrance of blood into the legs as in embolism plugging the pulmonary artery.

Collapse of the lungs due to:

  • Penetrating wounds of the thorax
  • Diseases-Pleurisy with effusion
  • Empgema
  • Pneumothrax
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