Coccidiosis in Sheep and Goat

Coccidiosis in Sheep and Goat

Clinical Coccidiosis in Sheep and Goat occurs mainly in young lambs and kids and there appears to be an increasing prevalence under conditions of intensive husbandry. Although the majority of sheep, particularly those under one year old, carry coccidia only two of the 11 species are known to be highly pathogenic.


  • Eimeria arlongi
  • Eimeria crandallis
  • Eimeria ovinoidalis


  • Prepatent period is 15 days.
  • Susceptible Age: Upto 6 months of age in lambs and kids; usually 4-7 weeks of age group are affected.
  • Transmission: Newborn lambs / kids pick up the infection by suckling their soiled dams through soiled litter, drinking water and infected pastures.
  • Unhygienic condition.
  • Intensive grazing.
  • Flare-up of infection during onset of rains and winter.


  • Diarrhoea with foul smelling and with or without streaks of blood.
  • Constipation, severe abdominal pain, tenesmus, anaemia, inappetence, unthriftiness, loss of weight, slight rise of body temperature, ailing kids lie down due to abdominal pain, soiling of hind quarters with faeces attracting blow flies.

Diagnosis, Treatment and Control

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