Vaccination Schedule for Cats
A proper vaccination schedule for cats is essential for maintaining a cat’s health and preventing serious diseases like Rabies, Calicivirus (FCV), Rhinotracheitis (FHV-1), and Panleukopenia (FPV).
Various Vaccines for Cats
There are two main vaccines commonly used for cats:
- Feline CRP
- Antirabies Vaccine (ARV)
Feline CRP
The Feline CRP vaccine is a combination vaccine that provides immunity against three critical feline diseases like Calicivirus (C), Rhinotracheitis (R), and Panleukopenia (P).
Antirabies Vaccine (ARV)
The ARV (Anti-Rabies Vaccine) is for protecting cats against rabies, a fatal viral disease that affects the nervous system and can be transmitted to humans.
Vaccination Schedule for Cats
Feline CRP is given at age of 60 days (2 months) and repeated after 1 months for two time and then repeated annually for lifetime.
First Antirabies Vaccine (ARV) is given at age of 3 months and repeated once after 1 month and then annually boosters are given.