Introducing Cat to a House
Introducing a cat to a new house requires patience, preparation, and a gradual approach to ensure a smooth transition. Before arrival, creating a designated safe space with essential items such as food, water, a litter box, and a cozy resting area helps the cat feel secure.
Introduction of kitten should be at a time when all the people of the house are present. Provide proper bedding i.e. cardboard box with blanket or newspaper can be provided.
During the first day, it will feel lonely in the new house. To reduce loneliness a timepiece may be kept near the bed.
The first sign that the new pet feels safe in its new environment is when it starts grooming itself.
The new kitten should be introduced gradually to the existing animals in the house.
But the introduction should be only after the establishment of’ a friendly relationship between them.
Housing of Cats
They share the house of owners. But we have to provide some additional facilities like litter box, toilet tray, feeding and drinking bowl, ward bed, collar of harness, traveling basket etc.
The kitten will have a tendency to escape from the new surroundings and this is called ‘suicidal escape‘, so provide a well sealed room until it settles down.
House trained kitten will be familiar to the use of toilet/litter tray and it is better to continue the practice for few more days even if there is attached garden for the purpose.
The tray should be placed in the same spot always to avoid confusion. Initially the cat should be taken to the tray regularly after feeding or its first wake up after sleeping.
After the initial period of settling, the tray can be removed and kitten can be trained to use the garden for the purpose.

A scratching post may be provided to help the cat to sharpen their nails. It is a vertical wooden board covered with carpet or gunny bag can be used for this purpose.