Common Terminology used in Contrast Radiography

Common Terminology used in Contrast Radiography

Common Terminology used in contrast radiography are Nephrography, Myelography, Hysterography, Fistulography, Cystography, Sialography, Cholecystography, Reticulography, Pneumocystography, Vaginography, Uretheography, Oesophagography, Intravenons pyelography, Arthrography, Angiocardiography, Renal angiography, Fasciagraphy, Osteomedullography or intraosseous phlebography, Periotoneography etc.

These all terms are explained below-

  • Nephrography– Positive contrast radiography of kidneys
  • Myelography– contrast radiography of Subarachnoid space surrounding spinal cord
  • Hysterography– contrast radiography of Uterus
  • Fistulography– contrast radiography of Fistula
  • Cystography– contrast radiography of Bladder
  • Sialography– contrast radiography of Salivary glands  and ducts
  • Cholecystography– contrast radiography of Gall bladder and Bile duct
  • Reticulography– contrast radiography of Reticulum (with barium)
  • Pneumocystography– Urinarybladder(Negative contrast study)
  • Vaginography– contrast radiography of Female reproductive organs
  • Uretheography– contrast radiography of Urethera in male
  • Oesophagography– contrast radiography of Esophagus
  • Intravenons pyelography– contrast radiography of Kidney and ureter
  • Arthrography– contrast radiography of Articular cartilage, joint  space
  • Angiocardiography– contrast radiography of Chamber of heart
  • Renal angiography– contrast radiography of Renal vascular architecture and assessment of cortex to medulla ratio.
  • Fasciagraphy– contrast radiography of Tendons and associated structures
  • Osteomedullography or intraosseous phlebography– to visualize intraosseous and extraosseous venous channels of long bones
  • Periotoneography– contrast radiography of peritoneal cavity and its contents.
Common Terminology used in contrast radiography are Nephrography, Myelography, Hysterography, Fistulography, Cystography, Sialography, Cholecystography, Reticulography, Pneumocystography, Vaginography, Uretheography, Oesophagography, Intravenons pyelography, Arthrography, Angiocardiography, Renal angiography, Fasciagraphy, Osteomedullography or intraosseous phlebography, Periotoneography etc.
Common terms used in contrast radiography in animals
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