Common brachiocephalic trunk is a large vessel arising from the convexity of the aortic arch within the pericardium. It is directed upwards and forward and it measures about 10 to 13 cm.
It is between the two layers of the anterior mediastinum and crossed on the left by the left Vagus and cardiac nerves and on the right is covered by the anterior vena cava. The left recurrent laryngeal nerve runs between it and the trachea.

- It divides opposite to the second intercostal space of the third rib into brachiocephalic and left brachial arteries.
- Thebrachiocephalic arteryis directed forwards and upwards beneath the trachea.
- Opposite to the first rib it gives off the right brachial arteryand is continued as the bicarotid trunk.
- The bicarotid trunkdivides into two common carotid arteries,right and left.