Chinkara and Cervids
Chinkara or Indian Gazelle
Chinkara or Indian Gazelle animals are present in the plains and low hills of north western and central India.
Chinkara or Indian Gazelle animals are seen commonly in desert zones and don’t frequent cultivated lands.
These are the slender and gracious animals.
The Horns of the males are ringed, while the females are smooth and at times, the females are hornless too.
More deer are poached or hunted in many parts of the world than any other species. These animals are kept as most popular exhibits and are often kept as mixed exhibits also in zoological garden or zoo or zoological park or in deer parks.
Various species of deer are also farmed in many countries and the antlers are harvested in a systematic manner, for medicinal purposes. Antler is the anatomical specialty of these animals, in general.