

The common characters of Carnivora are given below:

  • Meat eaters
  • Presence of canine teeth
  • Intestinal tract is short and is adapted to the rapid digestion as well as the assimilation of meat.
  • All species have anal glands. (The species like the striped skunk with a zoological name of Mephitis mephitis may eject the contents of anal gland as a defensive maneuver)
  • Os penis is present in case of males
  • Lack of clavicle (this helps in the freedom for the movement of forelimb).
  • Ulna is well developed
  • Toes end in claws

Sub-Order of Carnivores

Fissipedia is the sub-order that comprises most known terrestrial carnivorous wild animals like lion, tiger, panther, wolf, hyaena, wild dog, jackals etc.

Classification of Carnivores

Classification of Carnivora
Classification of Carnivora
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