Breeds of Dogs

Breeds of Dogs

There are 400 breeds of dogs according to AKC (American Kennel Club). In this post we are going to discuss some of these commonly seen dog breeds around us.

Breeds of Dogs
Breeds of Dogs

Alsatian or German Shepherd

  • Place of origin is Germany.
  • As part of the herding group, the German Shepherd is a working dog developed originally for herding sheep. Because of their strength, intelligence and abilities in obedience training they are employed as police dogs and war dogs, around the world. The German Shepherd Dog is the world‘s leading police, guard and military dog.
  • A double-coated animal.
  • Hair coat is smooth and glossy.
  • Under-coat woolly and protects from cold.
  • Usually grey, dark tan and various shades of black and white.
  • Average height of male 60-70cm and of female 55-60 cm.
  • Body weight 25-35 k.
  • Ears are erect and smooth.
  • well-muscled, strong and long neck.
  • Long hairy tail slightly curved at the end, may extend up to the hock.


  • The Beagle is a breed of small to medium-sized dog.
  • A member of the Hound Group, it is similar in appearance to the Foxhound.
  • But smaller, with shorter legs and longer, softer ears.
  • Beagles are scent hounds, developed primarily for tracking hare, rabbit, and other game.
  • They have a keen sense of smell and tracking instinct that sees them employed as detection dogs for prohibited agricultural imports and foodstuffs in quarantine around the world.
  • Beagles are intelligent, and are popular as pets because of their size, even temper, and lack of inherited health problems.
  • These characteristics also make them the dog of choice for animal testing.


  • Origin: Germany.
  • A medium-sized sturdy dog with broad head, short nose and strong jaws
  • Muscular body covered with smooth coat of red, fawn or brindle.
  • Tail placed high and docked leaving behind 4-5 cm stump.
  • Height 45-60 cm and body weight 25-30 kg; males slightly heavier than female.

Bull Dog

  • England
  • A low statured animal, broad and compact body.
  • Head characteristically heavy and face wrinkled; nose short, wide and black; jaws broad and square.
  • Body coat short, fine and smooth; whole coat colour acceptable and it may be various degree of red, brindle, fawn, fallow and white, and their piebald combinations.
  • Short tail thick at the root and tapering at the tip.
  • Males heavier than females; average height 35-40 cm and body weight 20-25 kg.


  • Germany
  • Low set, short limbed animal with compact long body.
  • There are 2 recognized strains of Dachshund, via. Dachshund and Miniature Dachshand; each strain has 3 varieties, viz.
    • Smooth haired
    • Long haired and
    • Wire haired
  • Ears long and thick, large and drooping with rounded tip; height 20-25 cm and body weight 3-5 kg.


  • Origin from Dalmatia (Austria).
  • Strong dog having muscular Body.
  • Body coat smooth and white colour with black spots or liver spots which may vary in size but never form patches.
  • Ears set high and gradually tapering to a round point and covered with spotted hair.
  • Height 50-60 cm and body weight 22-25 kg; tail short, fine and straight.

Dobermann Pinscher

  • Origin from Germany.
  • An alert dog has smooth, compact and muscular body.
  • Body coat smooth, short, thick, and glossy.
  • Colour black, brown or blue.
  • Extremities light in colour; ears small and erect, but slightly droped forward.
  • Tail docked in early life leaving behind 2-3 cm long stump.
  • Height of adult male 65-70 cm and of adult female 60-65 cm; body weight 25-35 kg.

Great Dane

  • Origin: Germany
  • Large-sized, muscular and strong animal of active disposition.
  • Coat short, dense, soft and glossy.
  • Colour whole black, fawn, pure white with black or blue patches.
  • Ears small and erect with falling tip.
  • Face long and narrow.
  • Average height usually more than 75 cm and body weight more than 55 kg.
  • Tail thick at the root and tapering to the termination below the hock joint.


  • Origin: Egypt
  • Large-limbed, slender, thin animal; broad chest and narrow waist.
  • Face long and narrow with blunt pointer nose.
  • Coat fine short and smooth, common colour red and fawn, specimen of black, brindle, white and other colours are also acceptable.
  • Height of adult male 70-75 cm and of female 65-70 cm; body weight 25-35 kg; tail is low set, long, tapering and strong.

Lhasa Apso

  • Origin: Tibet
  • Small active house dog.
  • Body completely covered with long, straight, dense coat with golden, smoke, slaty, black, white, brown or parti-colour.
  • Ears drooping and eyes dark.
  • Average height 20-25 cm and body weight 6-7 kg.


  • Origin: Poland
  • The Pomeranian (often known as a Pom) is a breed of dog of the Spitz type, named for the
  • Pomerania region in Central Europe (today part of eastern Germany and northern Poland) and classed as a toy dog breed because of its small size.
  • Toy breed, very active.
  • Outer coat long, straight, course and thicker around the neck; undercoat soft and woolly.
  • Only whole colour free from any admixture is accepted.
  • Pomeranian comes in the widest variety of colors, including white, black, brown, red, orange, cream, blue, sable, black and tan, brown and tan, spotted, brindle, plus combinations of those colors. The most common colors are orange, black or cream/white.
  • Height 15-28 cm and body weight 1.5-3.9 kg.
  • Ears are small and erect.
  • Tail hairy and carried on the back.


  • Origin: Germany
  • A small animal of majestic look.
  • Various strains are standard Poodle, miniature Poodle, blue Poodle and toy Poodle.
  • Coat thick, curly and fluffy of different colours like whole white, black, brown, apricot, blue and silver.
  • Ears long, wide and drooping.
  • Height 25-40 cm and body weight 3-25 kg, depending upon the strain.
  • Toys are smallest followed by miniature and standard strains.
  • Tail docked and held high.


  • Origin: Germany
  • A small animal of majestic look.
  • Various strains are standard Poodle, miniature Poodle, blue Poodle and toy Poodle.
  • Coat thick, curly and fluffy of different colours like whole white, black, brown, apricot, blue and silver.
  • Ears long, wide and drooping.
  • Height 25-40 cm and body weight 3-25 kg, depending upon the strain.
  • Toys are smallest followed by miniature and standard strains.
  • Tail docked and held high.


  • Origin: China
  • Small breed.
  • Short back and rounded ribs.
  • Coat short, soft, fine, smooth and glossy of black, silver on apricot fawn.
  • Ears are rose or button shaped.
  • Height 25-30cm and body weight 6-8 kg.
  • Tail tightly curled and often double curled.


  • Origin: New Foundland
  • They have webbed paws for swimming, useful when they retrieve their prey, hence the name retriever.
  • Active dog of strong body.
  • Coat short, dense, smooth and glossy.
  • Colour black, chocolate or yellow and free from markings.
  • Ears large and hanging close to head.
  • Height 50-60 cm and body weight 25-35 kg; tail thick at the root and tapering toward the tip.

Golden Retriever

  • Origin: Scotland
  • Active and powerful animal.
  • Coat flat or wavy and dense with water-resistant undercoat.
  • Colour any shade of gold and cream but not red or tan.
  • Ears moderate in size.
  • Height 50-60 cm and body weight 30-35 kg.
  • Tail long, straight and feathered.

Cocker Spaniel

  • Origin: England
  • Small sporting dog of compact body.
  • Head round with deep and broad muzzle.
  • Ears long, drooping and covered with fine hair;
  • Coat flat, close, silky, soft and wavy of black, black and tan, liver-red and roan colour.
  • Height 35-40 cm and body weight 11-13 kg.
  • The tail docked in early life and remains in line with the back.

Saint Bernard

  • Origin: Switzerland
  • One of the heaviest dogs with a massive and broad forehead, straight back, deep chest and heavy legs.
  • Coat either short-haired or long-haired.
  • Thighs and tail well feathered in long-haired dogs.
  • Height 65-75 cm and body weight 75-90 kg.
  • Occasionally 90 to 100 kg in some specimens.
  • Tail set high, long and slightly curved, and always carried low.


  • Origin: Spain
  • Active dog.
  • Compact and muscular body with broad chest; coat short, fine, smooth and uniformly distributed.
  • Colour lemon, orange, lemon and white, liver and white, black and white and sometimes whole black.
  • Ears set fairly high, medium sized and lying close to the head.
  • Height 60-65 cm and body weight 25-30 kg.
  • Tail fairly long, smooth, tapering and carried straight in line with back.

The Rottweiler

  • The Rottweiler, or Rottweil Metzgerhund (“Butchers Dog”), is a “medium to large size, stalwart dog”
  • Breed originating in Germany as a herding dog.
  • It is a hardy and very intelligent breed.
  • Rottweilers also worked as draught dogs, pulling carts to carry livestock to slaughter, meat and other products to market.
  • Some records indicate that earlier Rottweilers may have also been used for hunting although the modern Rottweiler has a relatively low hunting instinct.
  • The skull is of medium length, broad between the ears. The forehead line is moderately arched as seen from the side.
  • The coat consists of a top coat and an undercoat. The top coat is of medium length, coarse, dense and flat. The undercoat must not show through the top coat. The hair is a little longer on the hindlegs.


  • A collie is a distinctive type of herding dog.
  • Ultimately originating in Britain, especially in the upland areas of the north and west.
  • It is a medium-sized, fairly lightly-built dog with a pointed snout, and many types have a distinctive white pattern over the shoulders.
  • Collies are very active and agile, and most types have a very strong herding instinct.
  • Common use of the name “collie” in some areas is limited largely to certain breeds-such as to the Rough Collie in parts of the United States, or to the Border Collie in many rural parts of Great Britain.
  • The fur may be short, flat, or long, and the tail may be smooth, feathered, or bushy.
  • vary in colouration, with the usual base colours being black, black-and-tan, red, red-and-tan, or sable.
  • Many types have white along with the main color, usually under the belly and chest, over the shoulders, and on parts of the face and legs.

Indian Breeds of Dogs

  • A large variety of domesticated, semi-domesticated and feral dogs are found in different parts of India.
  • Dogs are kept as pets in urban and rural areas but only sporadic attempts have been made for the identification, maintenance, breeding and utility of local dogs.
  • Indeed in many parts of India one can see dogs having similar characteristics.
  • A few well-bred, family-bred and locality-confined dogs of India are the Rampur hound, Gaddi, Bhutia, Banjara / Sanehta and hunting Rajapalayam dog of Tamil Nadu.


  • This breed is a native of Rajapalayam in Tamil Nadu, India which was developed in a hunting dog in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
  • It is a hound, and therefore should be kept in optimum working condition.
  • Dogs tail, long and slender with broad chest and narrow waist.
  • Body coat short and dense
  • The most prized colour is milk white, with a pink nose and golden eyes. However, other colours including spotted or solid, black, and brown, are known to occur.
  • As with many fully white dogs, there is a high incidence of deafness in this breed. Puppies born with whitish or blue eyes are deaf.
  • An extremely handsome and graceful dog, the Rajapalayam has a gait similar to the trotting of a thoroughbred horse.
  • The height at shoulder usually 40-50 cm. Males always heavier than females.


  • Heavy and muscular strong animal of active habits; considered to be developed from the wild dog of Yamuna riverine of Meerut region.
  • The Gaddi is thought to have been developed by the Asur King Mahidant of Meerut by crossing the wild dingo like hounds.
  • Body coat short, close and rough with long hair on thighs and terminal part of tail; body coat may grow longer in winter.
  • Coat colour usually dull white with lighter colour on the belly.
  • Height 50-70 cm and body weight 25-50 kg; males heavier than females; tail hairy, extends up to hock; ears small and curved.

Rampur Hound

  • The Rampur Greyhound is native to the Rampur region of Northern India, which lies between Delhi and Bareilly
  • Thin, slender dog of bony appearance.
  • Coat short, close and rough of fawn to brown colour.
  • Ears small and half curved.
  • Chest broad and waist narrow with raised croup.
  • Height 40-60 cm and body weight 25-40 kg males being heavier than females.
  • Tail long, straight and tapering.

Mudhol Hound

  • The Mudhol Hound is an Indian breed of dog of the sight hound type.
  • The breed is also known as Caravan Hound and the feathered variety is commonly referred to as a Pashmi. In the villages he is known as the Karwani.
  • It is a common companion among village folk in India’s Deccan Plateau, who use the dog for hunting and guarding.
  • The head is long and narrow, broad between the ears with a tapering muzzle.
  • The nose is large, and may be black, liver, or flesh coloured.
  • The males are 68–72 cm in height at the withers and the females are 64-68 cm tall.
  • The chest is strong and deep with well sprung ribs.
  • The abdomen is tucked in. The hind quarters appear wide and well-muscled.
  • The tail is strong at the base, not too long, set low and carried in a natural curve
  • There are two coat varieties-one with an entirely smooth coat and the other with silky featherings on the ears, legs, and tail.
  • All colours and combinations of colours are acceptable.

Himalayan Sheepdog

  • The Himalayan Sheepdog is an Nepali breed of dog that has become a very rare breed.
  • Often called the Bhote kukur. They are similar in appearance to the Newfoundland (dog) and the Tibetan Mastiff.
  • They have a large body and have been known to have a loud bark.
  • It is a large breed. Its height typically lies between 26 to 32 inch (66 to 82 cm) range.
  • Its a lighter breed in comparison with The Tibetan Mastiff and its weight range is from 28 to 38 kg (62 to 84 lbs).
  • Its double coat is long, and found in a wide variety of colors from solid black to light brown with the rarest being white.
  • This breed normally has different shades throughout its body. The usual resemblance in almost all dogs of this breed is a white color fur patch on the chest.
  • It sheds its double coat once a year. All dogs of this breed have long, round and hairy tail.


  • The Combai is a bear hound found in the south of India.
  • This breed of dog is slightly shorter than the Rajapalayam , but appears heavier because of its powerful build.
  • The Combai is usually red or brown, with a black mask, and with a dark line along the back.
  • The chief differences between the Rajapalayam and the Combai breeds are that the Combai has more powerful jaws, often with a black mouth, much more pendent ears, rich red colour and a savage temper.
  • It has, like Rhodesian Ridgeback, a ridge of fur along its back.
  • Their coats are easily maintainable, and are less prone to skin disorders, fungal and yeast infections, and parasite infestation.
  • The breed, having evolved naturally many centuries ago, is more immune to most diseases compared to the man-designed breeds.


  • The Chippiparai is a sight hound breed of dog from the south of India. Thought to be a descendant of the Saluki, today it is found in the area around Periyar Lake.
  • It is used primarily for hunting wild boar, deer and hare. It is said to be an excellent hunter, and is also used for guarding the home.
  • The typical color is a silver-grey, with very limited or no white markings. Other colors, particularly variations of grey and fawn, also occur.
  • This is a handsome dog, tall (27-32 inches at the withers) and powerful.
  • It has a short coat that is very close; on the whole the coat if kept groomed has a shine on it.
  • A shining, shell-like appearance is greatly desired.
  • This kind of coat makes it ideal for hot climates.
  • This hound is also less prone to ticks and fleas, with their short coat providing easy detection.

Kanni Dog

  • Dog for the sheep farming in the grazing land.
  • The Kanni is found in and around Tirunelveli, Kovilpatti, Kazhugumalai, Kileral, Kodangipatti, Sivakasi, and Madurai.
  • It is said that the name Kanni comes from the fact that the dog used to be given as a gift to the bridegroom just before the marriage.
  • They are usually of four colours, brown, cream, black & tan and brindle.
  • The Kanni is kept by families who do not sell them but may gift them if a promise is made to look after them well.
  • They are not allowed to roam on the streets and brought up as pet animals.
  • They are given a diet of milk in the morning, corn porridge in the afternoon and a “Ragi” porridge in the evening.
  • Meat is given once a week or once a month only. The breed is now extremely rare, and on the verge of extinction.
  • Efforts to revive the breed have not been taken up, as specimens are few, and there exists little information about them.
  • Found among the flock of Vembur sheep and Kanni goat. It is a good watch dog.
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