Small intestine of Horse
Length of Small intestine of Horse is about 22 m. and diameter 7.5 to 10 cm.

- The duodenum is somewhat like a horseshoe and the convexity is directed towards the right and it is about 1 m
- The first part forms an ‘S’ shaped curve in contact with middle and right lobes of the liver, the bile and pancreatic ducts open about 12 to 15cm from the pylorus
- The second part passes over the right dorsal colon and ventral to the right lobes of the liver to the right kidney and caecum and curves inwards to the -median line
- The third part turns to the left behind the base of the caecum crosses behind the root of the great mesentery to continue forwards as the mesenteric part
- The jejuno-ileum lies in numerous coils mingled with those of the small colon in the dorsal part of the left wall of abdomen from the visceral surface of the stomach to the pelvis
- The ileum passes to the medial face of the caecum and opens into the lesser curvature of its base
- The mucous membrane forms a pouch -the diverticulum duodeni 12 to 15 cm from the pylorus where the bile duct and major pancreatic ducts open.
- On a small papilla opposite this level is the opening of the accessory pancreatic duct
- The root of the mesentery presents the mesenteric lymph glands
- Payer’s patches are found on the surface opposite to the mesenteric attachment
- Intestinal and solitary glands are found throughout, Bruner’s glands are found in the first 6 to 7 m. or more