First layer of muscles of back and loin

Trapezius thoracis 
  • It is a broad triangular muscle extending along the dorsal midline from the level of atlas to the end of the thoracic region, and covers a part of the shoulder. It consists of cervical (trapezius cervicis) and dorsal(trapezus thoracis) parts.
  • Origin: Ligamentum nuchae and supraspinous ligament from the level of the atlas to the twelfth dorsal vertebra.
  • Insertion: The tuberous part of the spine of the scapula and the scapular fascia.
  • Action: To elevate the shoulder as a whole. The cervical part draws it forwards and the dorsal part backwards.
  • Blood supply: Deep cervical, dorsal and intercostal arteries.
  • Nerve supply: Spinal accessory nerve.
Latissimus dorsi
  • It is a very wide muscle extending on the lateral wall of the thorax from the dorso-lumbar spine to the arm. It has an aponeurotic origin, which is succeeded by a wide muscular portion.
  • Origin: Lumbodorsal fascia, 11th and 12th ribs and fascia over the intercostal and external oblique muscles.
  • Insertion: The anterior part in common with the teres major to the medial (teres) tubercle of the humerus; the middle part to the aponeurosis on the deep face of the long head of tricepsthe posterior part along with the deep pectoral to the medial tuberosity of the humerus. The tensor fasciae antibrachii originates from the lateral surface of this muscle.
  • Action: To flex the shoulder joint.
  • Blood supply: Thoraco-dorsal artery.
  • Nerve supply: Thoraco-dorsal nerve.
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