Autacoid Pharmacology

Autacoid Pharmacology

Autacoid Pharmacology will covers all pharmacological values of autacoids. Autacoid (Autos– self; akos– healing substance or remedy) are diverse substance produced by a wide variety of cells in the body, having intense biological activity; but generally act locally at the site of synthesis and release.


Autacoids also known as name of Local hormone but this name not fit with it because hormones are produced by different cells and act on distil part of body by circulation.

Autacoids involved in a number of physiological and pathological processes like injury, inflammation, and immunological insults.

Some special features of autacoids-
  1. Naturally occurring substances
  2. Localized in tissue
  3. Do not circulate normally
  4. Short duration of action
Classification of autocoids-
  1. Amine autacoidsHistamine, Serotonin (5-HT)
  2. Lipid derived autacoids– Prostaglandin, Leukotrienes, Platelet activating factors
  3. Peptide autacoidsPlasma kinins (Bradykinin)
  4. Other Autacoids– Gastric autacoid (Gastrin), Cytokine
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