Gastric glands in animals
The glandular mucosa of the stomach has many pores known as gastric pits. The surface area of the stomach lining the pits is covered with mucous cells which secrete mucus to protect the surface epithelium.
- Secretions of gastric glands
- Cardiac glands secrete only mucus
- Parietal/fundic glands secrete HCl and pepsinogen
- Pyloric glands secrete mucus and gastrin.
Cell types of fundic glands
Fundic gland contain three main types of cells-
Body chief cells or peptic cells
Body chief cells or peptic cells are locate at the base of the gland secrete proteolytic enzymes (Pepsin and Rennin).
Parietal or oxyntic cells
Parietal or oxyntic cells are present at the upper third of the gland is the site of HCl secretion.
Neck chief cells
Neck chief cells, placed near the surface epithelium near the upper part of the gland secret mucus and a mucoprotein “Intrinsic factor” required for Vit.B12 absorption from the intestine is necessary for erythropoiesis.
Cells of pyloric glands
The pyloric glands are structurally similar to the parietal glands. it has body chief cells and neck chief cells only. Parietal cells are absent in pyloric gland and “G” cells secrets Gastrin (Gut hormone).