Female External Genitalia of animals

Female External Genitalia

Female External Genitalia of animals consists of outer vagina, vestibular glands, clitoris , labia majora and labia minora.


Clitoris is Embryological homologue to penis. it is buried in the vestibular mucosa in the cow but prominent in the mare. It is anatomically nothing but the large number of nerve endings. Clitoris is Important in psycho-sexual satisfaction.

Labia Minora

Labia minora is homologues to scrotum. Labia minora poorly developed in animals.

Labia majora

Labia Majora rich in sebaceous and tubular glands. it is swollen, congested and edematous at estrus.

Vestibular glands

Vestibular glands of animals are sebaceous and Bartholin glands. It resemble bulbo-urethral glands in the male and secrete lubricating mucus to boost copulation.

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