Disease treatment in Animals

Disease treatment in Animals

The economic aspect of Disease treatment in Animals is very much important especially in case of productive animal. It should always be borne in mind that cost of treatment does not exceed the cost of animal.

Treatment means the knowledge of pharmacology or adopting remedial measure for treatment of disease. The aim of the treatment is to attain the sick animal and to bring it back to its normal state of health. General care and nursing are very much important for rapid recovery of a diseased animal.

Classification of Treatment

Treatment may be classified as:

  • General treatment
  • Specific treatment
  • Symptomatic treatment
  • Palliative treatment
  • Empirical treatment
  • Rationale treatment
  • Prophylactic treatment

General treatment

General treatment include measures to be adopted to combat certain complications, during the course of a disease and to resuscitate the vitality of the animal. It may be as follows:

  • Fluid replacement or Fluid therapy: to counteract dehydration. It can be achieved by infusion of different types of fluid by IV or other routes.
  • Mechanical treatment: Exercise, massage, traction, etc. Massage with various counter irritants is frequently done in paraplegic dog.
  • Physical treatment: Use of heat, electricity, different rays like X-ray, UV rays, infrared rays, etc. rays are generally used in diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Helio treatment: Exposure to sunlight in case of rickets and hypopigmentation for synthesis of vitamin D.
  • Dietetic treatment: May also be described as therapeutic nutrition. Here specific diet is required for certain disorders and accordingly diet is modified, For example-
    • Diabetic diet is low in carbohydrates but rich in amino acids
    • Renal disorders- rich carbohydrate diet and high biological value protein is advised
    • In hepatic disorders- low fat diet and diet containing simple sugars
  • Psychological treatment: It includes symptomatic approach, training and psychiatric management to prevent behavioral stress and various vices of animals.
  • Aerosol treatment: This therapy is done for humidification of respiratory mucous membrane. Aerosol drugs are used. By this acute and chronic respiratory disease can be treated.

Specific treatment

Specific treatment means administration of specific curative agents against certain diseases. It is only possible when the etiology of the disease is diagnosed. The type of treatment aims at removal or overcoming the offending agents causing harm.

Examples of Specific treatment are:

  • For gram positive organisms: Use of Penicillin group antibiotics
  • For gram negative organisms: The choice of antibiotics are Aminoglycosides, Fluroquinolones
  • Mixed infections: OTC, Streptopenicillin antiobiotics
  • HCN Poisoning: Sodium Thiosulphate and Sodium Nitrite
  • Nitrite Poisoning: Methylene Blue used for treatment

Symptomatic treatment

Symptomatic treatment comprises institution of medical agents in order to get rid of certain symptoms which may be causing diseases.

Examples of Symptomatic treatment are:

  • Antiemetic to relieve vomition
  • Astringents preparation in gastroenteritis
  • Expectorants in respiratory diseases
  • Carminative mixtures in tympany

Palliative treatment

Palliative type of treatment is extended in case of incurable diseases to prolong lifespan of individual.

Examples of Palliative treatment are: insulin in diabetes mellitus, dialysis in Chronic Renal Failure (to relieve uremia) etc.

Empirical treatment

Empirical treatment is the art of treating the patient by more experience gain through long time trial and error methods. Examples of Empirical treatment is: inflation of udder with air in case of milk fever in cattle.

Rationale treatment

Rationale treatment is the scientific method of administration of drugs based on patho physiology of disease process and knowledge of pharmacotherapeutics of drugs.

Examples of Rationale treatment are:

Prophylactic treatment

All the measures to prevent spread of diseases when it is likely to be contracted by animals. Vaccination is part of prophylactic treatment and management aspects (quarantine, isolation, disinfection) also a part of prophylactic treatment.

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