Rhinencephalon or Olfactory bulbs

Olfactory bulbs

Rhinencephalon or Olfactory bulbs are oval elongated structures in each hemisphere, situated at the anteroventral aspect of the frontal pole and are lodged in the olfactory fossae

  • Each bulb receives olfactory nerves coming from the nasal mucosa through the olfactory perforations of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone.
  • The olfactory tract is a thick and short bundle of fibres that extends back wards and divides into medial and lateral olfactory stria.
  • The trigonum olfactorium is a triangular area placed between the two stria.
  • The lateral stria is longer and passes backward and outward along the medial aspect of rhinal sulcus and enters the inferior part of the hippocampal involutions.
  • The inner one passes backward and inward to the internal aspect of the cerebral hemisphere.

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