- The cutaneous muscle of the head is less developed.
- The orbicularis oris is a complete sphincter.
- The levator labii superioris proprius inserted by a common tendon with its fellow to the upper lip.
- The depressor labii superioris is absent.
- Transversus nasi is unpaired and lies between the nostrils.
- The corrugator supercilli is a separate muscle.
- Malaris is thin and levator buccalis is absent.
- There is an additional muscle in the mandibular region the occipito-mandibularis, which extends between the paramastoid process and the posterior border of the vertical ramus
- The digastricus has a distinct intermediate tendon, which perforates the tendon of stylo-hyoideus.
- Thyro-arytenoideus is represented by ventricularis and vocalis.
- Other muscles resemble those of the ox.
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