Post Operative Care and Management of the Patient

Post Operative Care and Management of the Patient

Immediately after major operation, the patient should be gently removed from operation table. Unconscious patient should be placed in the bed of surgical ward with slightly lowered down the head except in brain surgery operation cases. It prevents cerebral ischemia, vomition and helps to remove tracheobronchial secretion.

Post Operative Medications

According to severity of pain, analgesic drugs should be given to control pain which may originate from the operation site.

Restlessness can be controlled by the application of sedative or tranquilizer.

Routine broad or narrow spectrum antibiotic should be given. antiemetics may be given to prevent vomition.

Supportive therapy with fluid and vitamins should be resorted too as oral intake of food and fluid is restricted for 12-24 hours after major operation.

Post Operative Diet

Oral intake of food and fluid is restricted for 12-24 hours after major operation.

Liquid diet should be given at second day. Semisolid food should be given from forth day. Solid food should be given after 8th day of operation.

Food must be free from fat and some vitamins, enzymes should be added for easy digestion.

Post Operative Exercise

Exercise means walking which should be accomplished for 2-3 hours per day. The time and distance of walking depend upon the severity of patient.

Post Operative care

Skin sutures should be removed between 8-10th day of post-operative days according to the condition.

Operative site should be treated with topical antibiotics and covered by light bandages.

Follow up Checkup

The surgeon advised the attendants that the patients must be checked by him for a certain day.

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